
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 11:14:48
Apply for admission,admission office怎么翻译 They were building a new hotel while I was there.(划线词:a new hotel) 嗯,大师们帮忙改成被动语态! talk,him,about,study,his,I,to,will,怎么连 make a world of my 面积相等的两个三角形全等的逆否命题是什么 wash off 两个三角形的面积相等,则这两个三角形全等是真命题还是假命题? wash off type到底是不是水洗型?我买了一个三星美白睡眠面膜,贴的中文介绍上说是免洗的,但是瓶子上却写着wash off type,这是怎么回事呢?我查了查对这款面膜的介绍,统统都是免洗. wash out在铸造中是什么缺陷 wash out 无被动么?Don’t get the orange juice on your shirt, for it _. A. isn’t washed out B. won’t be washed out C. won’t wash out D. isn’t washing 为什么不选B呢? 为啥不被动? 古诗词的故事 Her black sparkling eyeswhere they were followedThe birchesGovernment town I'd never thought of myself as a particularly sensual person.Sexy but not sensuous.I'd never thought of myselfas a particularly sensual person.Sexy but not sensuous.I was surprised by the husky tone of my voice though I shouldn't have been considerin They were diffrent from her black hair ,( )very easy to see.填so,but,或and? the king was wearing a magnificent gold crown这里为什么用was The king wore a ___(光彩的,灿烂的)golden crown. 希尔顿国际酒店为什么会入驻峨眉半山七里坪? 请易经大师帮我儿子取个名字!孩子姓 梅男孩出生于2010年11月27日下午16:25我的生日1983年7月24日,我老婆的生日1984年7月27日以上是生辰八字!请大师帮忙取个好名(不用复制一堆来 5个足矣)!包 I can see that this hair is no longer the sleek black I remember it from childhood.是什么句式the sleek black 和I remember it from childhood是什么关系?这是什么句式? Golden 用作英文名好不好 求女英文名读音接近于Gordon,golden, I am watched TV 为什么不能加am 谁能帮助解释一下,结合语法等,详细一点越详细越好,很急!在线等,20分钟之内 看到一句法语,请问是什么意思?并解释一下语法,尤其是á是什么意思,谢谢!Am I á la mode!? 这句语法怎么理解,i am saved?i am saved the humiliation of begging for help or the need of confronting the nasty look on somebody's face. 英语的what 为什么 是主语?what is the paper?然后 在兵语从句中句式不变? 用golden crown造两个句子, GOLDEN CROWN CHINA HOTEL怎么样 世人盛爱牡丹的“盛”是什么意思?莲之出淤泥而不染的“之” 不蔓不枝的“蔓”“蔓”是不是枝蔓的意思?我们语文书书下注释这句话的意思是不生枝蔓,不长枝节. 高中物理中小灯泡的额定电压是多少 aggressive 、expansionist是什么意思? helpless unhelpful The book isn't helpful.(同义句) the book is —— when后可以接介词吗?如题!