
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:16:07
哪些动物属于冷血动物啊? 赤道附近月亮从哪儿升起我在尼日利亚发现上个月9月的月亮是从东边升起的,这个月10月我发现是从西偏南一点出来的, 小学四年级语文下册11课是说明文吗 以西方的个人主义思想来批判或引进传统的封建主义价值观.答案要在一千字以上 急用 周四晚上就考 有没有什么书或是电影能反映中国的群体主义价值观或西方的个人主义价值观的?最好是典型一点的电影,. 冷血动物.作文 某加钙实验包装标签的文字如图,为测定该严肃的含量,取10g进行检测,测的其中含有碳酸钙0.3g (1)碳酸钙的相对分子质量是多少,(2)钙元素的质量,(3)钙元素的质量分数(4)判断是否符 初二英语课前演讲 骆驼祥子中的个人主义观念6000字左右 议论文《勇敢地追求真正的美》文章分析 急要思想感情 论证思路这些分析的东西 英语改错题,改错1.Don"t take the umbrella,it is belong to Tom.2.Everybaby says that my daughter is looking like my wiife.3.He tastes the fish over there.He says the fish tastes delicious.4.He is having a meeting although he is having a bad cold 求大神帮忙做几道英语改错题31.The old artist is in the habit of going for a walk in the park every morning except it rains.A B C D32.He went to the library and spent the whole afternoon there to look for material for an article onA B C DS 英语改错题 I used to read story books before went to bed.If I have a million dollars,I would buy a big house.I really don't know what will we do next.If I was you ,I would wear a shirt.What other do i need to know?What if everyone else will where it begins的where是什么成分原句是It was my sister who first had idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.这里面where如何理解? Collaborating with our customers engineers is where it all begins. this is not the first time we have had to navigate what we have earlier described as athis is not the first time we have had to navigate what we have earlier described as a "shoalstrewn area of the law."求翻译.navigate这里是什么意思? 那个才是《清明上河图》? 清明上河图几尺? 英语翻译在肯德基就餐的那种休闲、消遣的感觉在中国快餐店里就感觉不到.与肯德基、麦当劳形成鲜明对比的是为数众多但缺乏新意的中式快餐店.普遍感觉昏暗的铺面、表情木讷的服务员 求回答 求初二英语填空一小题 我英语很差他们两个生气地说着那次的会议 .They two are___ ____ the meet ____ _____ ____ ____. 第五小题! 第5小题 求找一首歌!是一首英文舞曲,歌曲中间有电音,然后有一句歌词是coming in get it one morn time好喜欢这首歌, 徐光启读过书吗 英语翻译 翻译下面的短文,OK?湖上诸峰,当以飞来为第一.峰石逾书十丈,而苍翠玉立,渴虎奔倪,不足为其怒也;神呼鬼泣;不足为其怪也;秋水暮烟,不足为其色也;颠书吴画,不足为其变幻诘曲也.石上多 “鱼‘属于热血动物还是冷血动物? ten to eleven usually ten to eleven times a week.为什么是to 而不是or呢?那three or four times 和three to four times 难道or都可以换成to 还是数间隔大的用to 比如 three to seven times 3--7次 Ten times ten.(单词) 我妹妹喜欢图文并茂的书.用英语怎么说 鱼是变温动物吗? 徐光启在篇文章里提到六安瓜片徐光启在哪篇文章里提到六安瓜片