
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:45:11
Limited natural resources should be made full use of (to meet) the (increasing) .Limited natural resources should be made full use of (to meet) the (increasing) need of energy.意思是:有限的自然资源应该被充分利用来满足能量增 spectator,audience ,viewer的区别?为什么电视观众答案是spectator 请问audience ,viewer ,watcher ,spectator有什么区别? 有关audiencethe interaction between performers and their audience这里的audience为什么不加S,字典上这样写:(戏剧,音乐会,演讲)观众,【C+sing/pl】,到底是单数还是复数?怎么回事 audience和viewers的区别 单选,, audience和listener之间的区别是什么? audience什么意思 My oil ________.I have to go to the gas station and add some before I’ve none in hand.A.has run out B.has been run out C.is running out D.is being running out -I wish I had not forgotten to go to the gas station before we left .-My God We areout of gas.A.what do you think of it B.what should we do C.Are you afraid of it D .Do you know what i mean 初一数学因式分解(3)1-8写在纸上学霸快来 有没有和《王几何》相似的文章!有描写人物外貌、动作、神态、语言的. 我心中的那片蓝天怎么写怎么写,不要具体的作文 eat,get,watch的第3人称单数形式 我心中的那片蓝天zuowen 已知数列{an}满足a1+2a2+3a3+...+nan=n(n+1)(2n+1),则该数列an=? Directions:Massage gently into skin as often as required to achieve dest results 谢 Audience是观众的意思,但是查阅了许多词典发现它的单复数很难确定!不知道什么时候该加s,什么时候不给...Audience是观众的意思,但是查阅了许多词典发现它的单复数很难确定!不知道什么时候该 谁能帮我翻译一下下面这段话,gently massage over your body before rinsing thoroughly 翻译:wet/whole/gently/celebrate/prepare/slide audience 到底是代表整体?还是代表个体?是集合名词?到底是可数?还是不可数?是单复数同形?什么时候可数?什么时候不可数?什么时候用复数?什么时候用单书?什么时候表示整体?生么时候表示个 在等比数列an中公比|q| 有谁知道集体力量大的成语?或者个人与集体的饿成语? He never did anything but watch TV. did之后动词为什么用原形? 英语造句.大家帮帮忙给我个例句1.send...sth... to... sb2.make...sth...for...sb3.pass...sth...to...sb 给我个例句就可以了.最好各造2个..