
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:36:57
请问猴子的英文怎么拼? 谢谢 猴子 用英语拼写 猴咋拼(英文) 形容声音的词语例如:细小的声音 形容声音像苍蝇一样细小的词语是什么 斑马为什么喜欢和长颈鹿在一起400字左右! 求写"长颈鹿"的40字英语短文写"长颈鹿"的40字英语短文, 英语小短文,5-6句,描写动物的,不要河马和长颈鹿的,哪位英语达人可以帮帮忙?谢谢了哦 长颈鹿的英文怎么写有助于回答者给出准确的答案 硬度HV0.2与HV0.3的区别 2道英语单选难题1.add,add to 的区别2.Few pleasures can equal (that)of a cool drink on a hot day.为什么是that,而不是those,any,some?3.Taking this medicine,if (continued),will of course do good to our health.中的continued是过去分 英语单选问题(2道)求助~28 The earthquake___ the city ____the night when my father left for Shanghai.(B)A took place;on B hit;on C struck;at Dhappened;during 要选突然发生呢,为什么选B啊29 Many people watched the____TV broadcas (2道单选)4 How I want _______(B)A a my own room B a room of my own C a room of myself D my own’s a roomD为啥不选 我就知道这个句式sth of one’s own = one’s own sth5 What do you know_______for?(C)A the strike was broken out B did th 英语2道有争议的单选单选,并请说明理由1.( )Please_____go to the zoo.a.not b.be not c.don't d.you don't2.________I'm hungry,__________I have some food.a.Because,so b.So,because c.Because,/ 英语单选二道(A)1.There were somg chairs left over _____everyone had sat down.A.when B.until C.that D.whereB选项是不是也行啊?(A)2.It was April 29,2011 _____ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding cer 走斑马线的英文 走路要走斑马线,用英语译 斑马线的英文是什么 英文翻译.”昨天你看巴西队和中国队的比赛了吗?“ 谢 中国队万一战胜巴西队怎么办?巴西如果两场全胜然后派替补搞友好外交政策,然后平了甚至奇迹了,那不就爽到了 中国队和巴西队谁强再精辟一点 饺子复数的英语单词 饺子的英语怎么拼?饺子英文怎么拼啊? 两个英语单选问题What do you usually do in your free time?Read books.Reading ____ us pleasure.A.provides B.achieves C.changes D.affordsHow is your survey?Very interesting.We received many different answers ________ the question.A.of B.to C.in 表示战争胜利的词语 理想前面加什么形容词?比如:伟大的理想,崇高的理想. 描写战斗胜利的词语和战斗失败的词语 关于战争的诗句5句(最好是战争胜利后做的诗),悬赏肯定会做到古诗,有作者的 帮我翻译成英语:你要走去哪呢? 用仗组词可以组打仗么? 英文,走,怎么翻译 翻译 我把她当作我最好的朋友