
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:31:18
英译中:I'm just out to find that the better part of 各自理解 请与出隋朝末年到南宋时期破坏北方经济发展的事件两例 几道数学题,用一元一次方程解答,要写解设,顺便即使一下,不然我还是不会,泪奔!还有序号(1.)甲、乙两人人登一座山,甲每分钟登高10米,并且先出发30分钟,乙每分钟登高15米,两人同时登上山 松弛的反义词 we starded learning english wen we were seven years old改为同义句 We have been learning English since we were 10years old 对划线部分提问 求,隋朝大运河经过今天哪几个省,哪几个大城市? 我叫徐静雯.想取一个英文名字.要活泼,开朗点的,并且告诉我读法,适合的就行!想取一个属于自己的英文名, 京杭大运河路线有哪些城市 美国人以他们的幽默感而自豪能翻译成这样吗:Americans are proud of their sense of humor.如果不对,最好解释一下,谢了! 隋朝 时代特点这一特点还有什么体现 隋朝文化特点有哪些隋朝刚刚建立时及未建立之前的文化特点.除了混乱还有什么?各地区之间的交流多吗? 隋朝的最大特征是什么?今天我考试,题目是下列中,最符合隋朝历史特征的是:A.开通大运河 B结束了分裂割据,实现了全国大统一 C统治者十分暴政 D繁荣而短暂 世界十大最美丽的风景 it was + 一段时间+before/when的用法 下面几道我是做的题目,帮忙给我看下对错,练习:请用before,since,that,when填空.1.It was last Sunday __when/that___ I came across Mr Brown.2.It was midnight __when___ the young couple cam 向全世界宣布我爱你的英文怎么写? to be doing ,to doing 与 to done 之间的区别?弄的稀里糊涂的, 向世界大声宣布 我爱你 用英文怎么说 be worth doing等于be worth to being done吗 The film___(begin) since two o'clock. 在公共场所排队等候是文明行为 It's good manners to_______in the line in the _______你去过多少处中国的名胜古迹?How many_________________ have you_________________in China.你没有必要对那位老人做这样的事,You___ waiting in line is a good habit for everyone.please don't __.A.rush B.push C.hurry D break. 共产党为什么能在短短三年内就打败国民党请从战争的性质,民心向背,指挥决策,军队士气等方面对比说明 共产党为什么能打败国民党?共产党为什么能在短短三年之内战胜国民党,统一了中国大陆? 英语翻译I feit it woud be worth it to see the film.翻译顺便帮忙解释下句子结构成分, 有read as much as possible books这种句型吗 we should read books as much as possible =we should read books as much as _ _ we should read (as many books as) possible.we should read(books as many as) possible.这两个那一个对,为什么? 为什么是read as many books as possible 原句肯定是对的,但是为什么呢 You should read as much books as possible in you free time这句话错在哪了 The new students are intriducing()(they) to each other. Each of ____(they)has a dictionary.