
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 08:09:44
微积分,函数,运动 有一次在教室里扔粉笔,在讲台上朝后方墙上的一面钟丢.但是教室中间的天花板上有一个障碍,是一段向下突出的墙面,有时总是丢在那堵突出的墙上被反弹回来. 我同 The policemen went on searching for the midding man and at last they found him.改为同义句the policemen ( ) ( ) searching for the missing man until they found him. 英语首字母 how to stop the boy f___asking for so many sweets they went t_______the great man take t a f___man went to a food shop to buy a fish.As he didn'tknow how to cook fish,he asked the shopkeeper to tell the way of cooking it.The shopkeeper did so."But I can't r___your words"the man said ,"Will you please write them down for me?"The shopkeepe 八年级上册数学新观察完全平方公式 (1)1.5,2.5,2 (2)0.5,1.2,1.3 是勾股数吗?为什么其中一个不是 His brother like basketball (改一般疑问句) f(x)=cos2x-6cosx+1,x∈[0,π/2]的值域为 多元函数微积分部分习题设f(x,y)=|x-y|g(x,y),其中g(x,y)在(0,0)连续,问g(x,y)在什么条件下偏导数fx(0,0)和fy(0,0)存在? 若函数f(x)=Cos2x+Cosx+1,则F(X)的值域? 一道大学“多元函数微积分”的试题,1,1≤x≤2,1/x≤y≤x,计算∫∫x的平方/y的平方dxdy.(注:在积分符号∫的下面还有一个D,因为无法打出来,所以请见谅!) 已知x,y是正数,且根号x倍【根号x减根号y】=3倍根号y倍【根号x+4倍根号y】这x分之y等于多少? 函数f(x)=cos2x-cosx+1在[π/3,5π/6]上的值域 W已知函数f(x)=cos2x+cosx,x∈[-丌/6],求函数f(x)的值域 when they are (w )through the jungle括号中填什么 存货周转率多少合适 如何计算? There are many m in the mountain.They are very interesting They are searching for a horse请帮我 一个底面为30cm×30cm长方体玻璃容器中装满水,湘江一部分水倒入一个底面为正方形、高为10cm铁桶中当铁同装满水时,容器中的水面下降20cm,铁桶的底面边长是多少厘米? kitty is having an Engilsh lesson in the classroom.(划线部分提问)划线是having an Engilsh lessonwhat is kitty doing in the classroom? art students in the an are the having classroom lesson连词成句 感恩社会的作文怎么写 感恩社会的征文! 谢谢~~ 已知函数y=sinx的定义域为[a,b],值域为[-1,½]则b-a的值不可能是 已知y=sinx的定义域为【a,b】值域为【-1/2,1】求b-a的值【?】2/3π到4/3π、、我搞不懂为什么有俩值呢? 求根式函数微积分函数f(x)=√(-x^+8x-12)在区间【2,3】的微积分应该怎么求啊?打错一个字,是定积分... 微积分函数解答一、单选题1.函数y=e^(cx)+1是微分方程yy"=(y')^2+y"的( )A.B.C.不是解 D.是解,但既不是通解,也不是特解 2.若函数f(x,y)在(x0,y0)的某邻域内连续,则函数f(x0,y) ( )A.在y0点连续 B.在y0点 求y=3x-x^2与y=5x-8构成图像 我列的式子不知道哪出毛病了 算出来数大 what are you doing? I am (只是)having lunch. _____________wonderful birthday I am having!A、what B、what a C、how D、how much what's the matter?I am having trouble ( ) who has taken my bookA.looking for B.finding out 我选A,我觉得是正在找,还没有找到 快,简便运算!