
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:09:25
因为懂得,所以慈悲.对于张爱玲的这句话你个人怎么理解? 张爱玲为什么说:因为懂得,所以慈悲?能不能说得仔细些 好像字面的意思不太好解释完全吧 张爱玲为什么对胡兰成说:因为懂得,所以慈悲? There are five people in my family,My grandma,grandpa,mom,dad and me,Mygrandma and grandpa are farmers,they can plant the flowers.My mom can cook the meals,ded can mike the cows.I am a good boy,I can empty the trash. There are five people in my family.They are mother.(a)two sister and me(b)me and two sisterThank soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!1 如图所示,已知△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB的垂直平分线交BC于M,交AB于N,若AC=8,MB=2MC,求AB的长. but what the hell's wrong with you? Is he from England Could you tell me (合并为含语从句的复合句.)Could you tell me _____ _____ _____ from England? what the hell is wrong with you guys... is he from england?could you tell me?(合并为含有宾语从句的复合句)谢谢了, Can you tell me how far he lives from school? Can you tell me how far he is live from school?Can you tell me how far doea he live from school?Can you tell me how far is he live from school?哪句是正确无误的,并做一下解释 我不大懂她的意思,她是我隔壁班一女生,我认识她大概3个月前。我当时转入她的班,结果那时才认识几天她就在中秋节送了我一个月饼。后来我为了表示感谢,打算请她吃甜点,她原本很 求解概率论集合事件. 不懂下列所表示的含义,希望能解答一下,谢谢 不知道这是什么寓意 希望懂这些的能尽快看到回复我外婆住院了 我妈昨晚梦见了一个池塘里面的水很清澈里面有很多黑鱼和蛇 一段英文,不是特别明白意思,前些日子投稿了一个期刊,等了一个半月了,没有消息,他的网站上有这样一段话:Authors will normally be notified of the status of their papers in about 6 weeks from the date of submissio The teapot is my grandma's, my grandma,提问 麻烦帮忙翻译及纠错she didn't saw my grandmashe didn't saw my grandma.The police catched them.Many people dieed in the earthquake.Did she walked alone?Celia and i was best frieds.He losted his job.i goed to zagreb yesterday.My father tryed to 英语翻译The hour has begun Your eyes have now opened To a world where madness craves To a world where hopes enslaved Oh,I'll tremble for my love always Your windows,opened wide Your innocence takes flight To a world where madness craves To a worl 英语翻译 英语翻译Whatever you decide to do,I will love you for the rest of my life.翻译下 What is the real meaning of life?Now I always feel down ,I do not know why,who can tell me what the real meaning of life is and how to get a meaningful life? 希望明白规律是什么 畅所欲言中的欲是什么意思四个答案A欲望B想要,希望C需要D将要 截图就行,不用打那么多字, 食欲大增中的欲是什么意思四个答案A欲望B想要,希望C需要D将要 答案给的是15,但我算的是5,希望有学兄学姐给出合理解释.集合A={Z|Z=p÷q,其中p+q=5,且p、q∈N+}的所有真子集的个数__ my family英语作文的作文中 My family have five poeple:grandpa,grandma,father,mother,and I.的最后一个单词应该是I,还是me? what is the meaning of "gg" what's the meaning of "life is like a box of chocolate" ..要用英文解释..中文意思我知道.. what is the meaning of it 的3个同义句.除了what does it mean by 利用函数极限球数列极限,定积分与洛必达法则的应用其他的没问题,但是对洛必达法则应用之后对积分呢求导以后的结果表示疑问X2 只有X2代入后的部分没有1的部分? 希望的近义词是什么?求解答,谢谢.