
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:28:05
祝自己成年快乐,英语怎么说 大家帮我看看这个英语句子该怎么理解 ?i had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead? 两个疑问 这里面有哪些固定的巨型 或者固定短语? 还有就是这里面的LOUD是形 这句英语怎么理解啊,请大家帮我看看?If it is,then how domyactions either protectorremove the possibilityofprivacy?在这里,if it is 中的it是指什么?在这里either起什么作用?怎么理解这样的句型?不好意思,刚才 英语 帮我看看下面的句子Very hard to want to change to the prime now ,l think .For me ,that is really a wrong thing .Sadly,it could have been better .Pained just because it is so tempting that I compromised or because I little did anying fo 用一根52厘米长的铁丝,恰好可以焊成一个长6厘米,宽4厘米,高几厘米的长方体框架? 帮我看看这句英文怎么理解Five years later those who had passed in the upper ten per cent all , without exception , had executive positions , while not a single young man of the lower twenty-five per cent had become an executive.(这句 用一根52厘米长的铁丝,恰好可以焊成一个长6厘米,宽5厘米,高多少厘米的长方体框架?用一根56厘米长的铁丝,恰好可以焊成一个长6厘米,宽5厘米,高多少厘米的长方体框架? 用一根52厘米长的铁丝,正好能焊接成一个长6厘米,宽4厘米,高多少厘米的长方体框架. 用一根52厘米长的铁丝恰好可以焊成一个长6厘米,宽4厘米,厘米的长方体框架 用一根52厘米长的铁丝,恰好可以焊成一个长方体框架,框架长6厘米,宽4厘米,高( )厘米.(过程) 英语翻译We are quite aware of the fear we inrpire in others,and this gives us not only a megsure of confidence,but also aids us in battle when our opponents lost heart.打错了几个单词inspire measure 英语翻译Scripts should use an informative User-Agent string with contact information,or they may be IP-blocked without notice 英语翻译本公司已经按照有关程序在天津日报上刊登减资公告,并对其所有债权人进行通知,且承诺减资后有能力对现有的债务进行清偿,并不影响债权人的相关权益。截止2010年*月*日已偿 英语翻译 英语翻译我刚注册没多久...也不知道怎么赚分...我把能放上来的分都放上来了...我要写英文简历了...因为怕有语法错而误造成尴尬...有没有英语高手来帮帮我的忙...帮我翻译一下下面这段文 如何理解下面这句英文哩?With trust and respect,others will give you the benefit of the doubt.Without trust and respect,motivation techniques come across as manipulation. 我知道你会翻译这句英文哈哈.谁能用英语给我翻译出来.英语 下面这句英语要怎么理解?she is a terror at paddle ball,smashing shots I have to groan to return.她打板球非常厉害,无人能挡的进攻使我不得不痛苦的捡球.可以这样译吗?如果可以的话,shots 后面不是应该有 用一根长36米分米的铁丝,焊接成一个长方体框架,长宽高的比是4:3:2.如果在这个长方体外贴上彩纸,至少要用多大面积的彩纸?(接口处不计算) 用一根长60分米的铁丝,焊成一个长6分米,宽5分米的长方体框架,长方体框架的高是( )分米,给这个框架上焊上铁皮做成的一个长方体铁皮箱,需铁皮( )平方分米 She prefers to buy cloths before the prices _____.A.are expensive B.are cheap C.go up D.go down 1.Please write to me as soon as you ________ Beijing.A.reach B.get C.come D.arrive2.The bag is light.Lily can ________ it by herself.A.find B.watch C.carry D.learn最好请解释一下为什么这样选择 用一根24分米长的铁丝焊接成一个长方体框架,他的长,宽,高的比是3:2:1.这个长方体的体积是多少立方分米?算数法.并且要讲清楚为什么要这样做.好的选满意、 请各位英语高手帮忙解答一下,急1.The student forgets everything while he is (在线聊天)2.The boy (玩电脑游戏已经上瘾了)3. 一根长76分米的铁丝可焊成一个长8分米,宽6分米,高【 】分米的长方体的框架 高是多少A B 7分米 C 用铁丝焊接一个长6分米,宽5分米,高2分米的长方体框架,至少需铁丝多少分米 1、No,he didn’t.2、does he make his bed now?3、yes,he does.在横线上填上字母,并在括号里写出中文.m_th_ _( )_riday( )p_st( )m_ss_( )w_t_r( )m_ _ning( ) 英语翻译1.We are not conscious of the content to which provides the psychological satisfaction that thatcan make the difference between a full and a empty life2.The door opened and in came a troop of children in all sorts of fancy3.Science moves 怎么理解下面这个英语句子?reduce the costs for trade negotiations on and transactions of agricultural products这个句子怎么理解?为什么要加on? 英语单词缩写的问题英语单词需要缩写有什么规则吗?比如说Houston缩写是HOU而china缩写是chn 表示星期的英语单词在句子中能缩写吗如 It's Wednesday.能写成It's Wed.. 英语故事用英语怎么拼