
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 12:39:39
如果让你当导游,你会怎样向游客们介绍草原风光?请你列简要提纲 英语:1.什么时候用decide to什么时候用decided to?2.什么时候用plan to,什么时候用planning to?Ben Lambert's Vacation Plans!Ben Lambert,the famous French singer,is taking a long vacation this summer!He thought about going to Greece Where are you planning to spend your winter vacation?I__(decided)yet,but I__(consider) going toHangzhou with mu family SOS!谁有这十首诗的解释?)1:山中杂诗(吴均)___山际见来烟^^^^^^^^^^^^2:竹里馆(王维)_____独坐幽篁里^^^^^^^^^^^^3:峨眉山月歌(李白)_____峨眉山月半轮秋^^^^^4:春夜洛城闻笛(李白)_____谁家玉笛暗飞声^^^^ sos~“此情可待成追忆”全诗 The Town Hall____ in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at that time.A to be completed B having been completedC completed D being completed [-A77] The Town Hall _____ in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at the time.A.to be completed B.having been completed C.completed D.being completed 翻译并分析 *62.The Tome Hall _____ in the 1880's was the most distinguished building at the time.A.to be completedB.having been completedC.completedD.being completed翻译并 分析句子. the temple ______in song dynasty was the most distinguished building at that timeA:to be completed B:having been completed C:completed D:being completed 诗人修改古诗的故事 诗人修改诗句的故事111! 怎样把宿新市徐公店这首古诗改成个小故事 是新定义运算的题!忘了抄题了…新定义运算 :a&b=axb-a+b+1 求(-3)&4的值一定快!今儿就要! 众数是什么意思?这是数学题里面的题目. "从未见过开的这样盛的藤萝.也不见其终极"看了这句话的感受? 从未见过开得这样盛的藤萝,这样的意思 一袋糖,平均分给15个小朋友或20个小朋友后,最后都余下3块.这袋糖至少有多少块?急急急~~~~~关于最大公因数和最小公倍数的 从未见过开得这样盛的藤萝...选自哪里作者是谁? How ______(soon/often/long/far) have you been in Shanghai?要保证对! 一根十分之九米长的绳子,截去它的三分之一,截去多少米?还剩多少米?RT 数学题解一根绳子截去全长的三分之一,整好是截去三分之一米,这跟绳子原长多少米?还剩多少米? My life just for you,silently in love with you……啥意思? 为什么母鸡不生鸭蛋啊? 母鸡如何产鸭蛋? 一个圆锥形铁块的体积是200立方厘米,比与它等底等高的圆柱的体积少()立方厘米.把圆柱熔铸成一个正方体,这个正方体的体积是()立方厘米 如图所知,质量为m的物体与地面的动摩擦因素为u,在恒力f作用下,力与水平面夹角为a,求物体的加速度 质量为m物体放在动摩擦因数为M平面上以初速度为V向右运动求此物体的加速度是多少 You are the person who loves my life You are the person which I this life most loves Really loves life true You are the most important person in my life! 新版GMP有没有硬性规定说浮游菌和沉降菌都要测,什么文件在哪提到的, GB2010中有关悬浮粒子、浮游菌、沉降菌测试的采样点、采样量的规定对新版GMP还适用吗?