
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:13:35
谁能帮我改写哈《琵琶行》啊?要易懂的,时间快来不及了! 英语四级选择题一共有多少分 方程ax2-2x-1=0至少有一个根,求a的取值范围,并求出相应的根. 我发现一种浅黄色透明的方解石,矿脉体大`可用来雕塑,可开采出大规格的石材.是否有价值,单价几何? 请问读过的朋友帮我想想怎么写这篇文章的续编200字左右,请各位认真回答. f(x)=(a+1)inx+ax^2+1讨论函数单调性拜托!解疑答惑吧. 已知函数f(X)=2sinxcosx+cos2x,设αε(0,π),f(二分之α)=二分之根号二,求sin α如上 日本人拍AV的貌似也不是穷人啊他们周围的朋友什么的怎么看他们呢尤其是父母不嫌丢人啊 当x____时,函数y=-3x+6的图像在x轴的下方.哎,就不会这函数题. The sweetest world for me is love 的意思求诠释 . Suspicion is the poison of love是什麼意思? 一道四级选择题We’d like to ______ a table for five for dinner this evening.为什么答案是retain,而不是reserve 英语四级选择题一道The continuous rain _ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.1.set back 2.set off 3.set out 4.set aside我怎么认为是选4呢 The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the _____ in which people communicate across time and spaceA) route C) vision B) transmission D) manner 各个选项的意思? game换一个字母,变成另一个单词. 当p=3 q=( ) 代数式4p-q的值等于1还有另一道.一个a瓦的灯泡t小时用电量是at/1000度,如果平均每天用电4小时,那么两个25瓦的灯泡一个月(30天)共用电____度算式. 最好写出来 将f(x)=(√3)/2*sin2x-1/2+(cosx)^2+1将他化简,怎么化,基本公式我知道,请推导详细点, 方程ax2+2x+1=0的解组成的集合中没有元素时,实数a的取值范围是 最好把什么比都写出来 我喜欢你,i like you 爱跟喜欢是有层次的,为什么楼主问我喜欢你英语怎么说我喜欢你,i like you 爱跟喜欢是有层次的,为什么楼主问我喜欢你英语怎么说,我回答i like you 楼主选择的是回答i love you 翻译“it is a kind of similar love of things”关于感情 翻译:love is a kind of memory ,deep There is such a kind of love which is helpless!请帮翻译中文 请问这个ometimes,giving up is also a kind of love有多少种译法```? 泉州五中暑假作业会检查吗 41.A special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and faculty to____ together in research activities.A) involve C) specializeB) participate D) consist42.American college students are increasingly_____ with credit card debt and 61.In the US,88 percent of smokers had started before they were 18,despite the fact that it is____ to sell cigarettes to anyone under that age.A) illegal C) liberalB) irrational D) liable62.Although many experts agree that more children are overweigh 51.With the increasing unemployment rate,workers who are 50 to 60 years old are usually the first to be_____.A) laid aside C) laid outB) laid up D) laid off52.People's expectations about the future may have more influence on their_____ sense of well- 解不等式,(3x+4)(3x-4)<9(x-2)(X+3) 已知f(x)=x^3-3x+1,且f(a)=2,则f(-a)=____.是为什么呀?详细点说哈.先拜谢下 (a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc (因式分解)求(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc如何分解!