
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:42:26
怎样解两边都有X的方程?比如:4X+1/2=1/2X+4 等式两边都有x的方程怎么解!等式两边都有一个x怎么解呢?这个问题困惑了我很久···不要复制其它答案!请各位举个例子讲讲···详细讲讲··· 受小妹一拜! GMAT一道数学题$10,000 is deposited in a certain account that pays r percent annual interest compounded annually,the amount D(t),in dollars,that the deposit will grow to in t years is given by D(t) = 10,000 {1+(r/100)}t.What amount will the depos BK是谁?(跟CK有关的那个) 如果k不等于0,那么ak:bk:ck=_____:k分之b_____ 如果A,B,C是一组勾股数,那么AK,BK,CK(K是正数) 是一组勾股数? 岑参写春天的诗有哪些 形容人有毅力的成语_____,____,____,____,____ 改写改写成同义句:PRC is short for the People's Republic of China.The People's Republic of China______ ______PRC______ ______.对划线部分提问:It is always cold in Shenyang in winter.(划线部分是It is always cold )______ the wea you konw when the Chinese Communist Party_____A was foundB was foundedC foundD had found这是一个被动语态的练习题 想问一下选哪个 为什么 几道简单的初中英语题1.wushu is becoming more and mor popular (among/in)foreigners.2It is very kind of you to help me get the ticket (of/for)F1.3excuse me.may i pay(for/with/by/on)credit card in your shop?4what is in the fridge?—(none/noth ·急!请大家帮忙解决几道简单的初中英语!The train ____when we got to the station.A.leaves B.leave C.had left d.has left a,b,c为一组勾股数a<b<c,若a=21,b,c是多少? 小彬假期旅行一周,各天的日期之和是84,他几号回的家?有一些分别标有6,12,18,24.的卡片.后一张比前一张大6,小明拿了3张相邻的卡片,3张之和是342.(1)小明拿了哪三张?(2)你能拿3张卡片之和是86的 以下选项中与if(a==1)a=b; else a++;语句功能不同的switch语句是 A) switch(a) {case 1:a=b;brea 数学题,巨简单的.一间教室面积48㎡,是中国领土960万平方千米的____倍.在比例尺为1:55000000的地图上,A地与B地的距离仅 14厘米.用科学技数法表示两地的实际距离.用科学技术法表示 胜利农场养鸡35467只,一个体户养鸡约13530只,(四舍五入到十位),光明农场养鸡约64800只(四舍五入到百位),要分别比较他们养鸡数的多少,胜利农场的养鸡数应四舍五入到哪一位,误差才呼会 数学题2221.为了解决老百姓看病难的问题,卫生部门决定大幅度降低药品价格,某种常用药品降价40%后为A元,则降价前此药品价格为()A:40%A元B:60%A元C:5/2A元D:5/3A元2.学友书店推出售书优惠 I know the reason___he was unhappy at the party that day.A in which B on which C for which D thatI know the reason___he was unhappy at the party that day.A in which B on which C for which D that 当m为何值时,关于x的方程 是一元二次方程这类题目如何解答 你能猜想出-n/n+1与-n+1/n+2(其中n表示正整数)大小关系吗? 已知f(n)=1+1/2^3+...+1/n^3,g(n)=3/2-1/2n^2 .猜想f(n)与g(n)的大小关系并给出证,n为正整数 对于任意正整数n 猜想2ˆ(n-1)与(n+1)²的大小关系 改宾语从句 Do you know...did Jim go to the party last SundayCould you tell me...Is it polite eat noisily?He asks...Does Lucy like the English corner?He wants to know...IOs it polite or not to point at others with one's finger in Japan.She asks m suit costumes dressBob was wearing a business____Shelia wor a long red____I didn't like the play much but the _____were amazingA gentleman in evening_____ in up away back 1.Bob's wife went on at him so much that eventually he g 一个集合有N个元素,证明存在一个子集,元素和能被N整除思考了一个小时没有结果.TOT 设A={1,3,5,7,9}写出集合A的符合下列条件的子集:元素都能被2整除.到底是没有这样的子集还是子集为空集呢 在等比数列AN中 若A4=3 则A1A2…A7= 两边都带x的方程怎么解啊8(x-2)=2(x+7)就这道同志们, 方程两边都有x怎么解原题:4x+1=5x-3 两边有X的方程怎么解方程两边都有X的怎么解?3(X+2)=4(X+1) 有若干个相同的小正方体,组成一个大正方体,如果把大正方体的表面涂上红色,已知只有一面涂红色的小正方有294个,则这个大正方体由多少个小正方体组成.(接着问题的)