
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:43:27
英语翻译according to the passage 、most likely翻译词组,which of the following statement is not true?which of the following is not included?翻译句子 Which of the following is NOT turn in the passage? According to the passage ,which of the following statements is true? 如果a与b互为相反数,c与d互为倒数,e的绝对值为3,那么e的平方+111cd-a+b/112= 如果a与b互为相反数,c与d互为倒数,e的绝对值为3,那么e的平方+111cd-112分之a+b=()+()-()=() listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are true and which are false.怎么翻译 0.358乘488加0.677乘358减1.25 乘35.8的简便运算 Which of the following can give you all kinds of telephone numbers?A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114 As is shown in the following picture ,the side length of the square is 4cm.What is the area of ..As is shown in the following picture ,the side length of the square is 4cm.What is the area of the shaded part?翻译!快! 请翻译As shpwn in the following diagram,the side length of Square ABCD IS 4cm,and the length of the line segment CG is 3cm,while in Rectant DEFG,the length of DG is 5cm,then,how many centimeters is the width of Rectangle DEFG? 请翻译 As shown in the following diagram,the side length of Square ABCD is 10 cm,while the length and the sidth of Rectangle EFGH are respectively 8cm and 5cm.How many square centimeters is the area difference between the shaded part in Square ABC 英语翻译请翻译 As shown in the following diagtam,the side length of Square ABCD is 4cm,and the length of the line segment CG is 3cm,shile in Rectangle DEFG,the length of DG is 5cm,them,how many centimeters is the width of Rectangle DEFG? If p is an odd integer,which of the following is an even integer?A.p – 2 B.p2 C.p2 – 2 D.(p – 2)2 E.p2 – p 求未知数2 已知集合M={y|y=x²-2x+3},N={y|y=2x²-3x+1}则M∪N= 小明在计算4.87减一个三位小数时,粗心把数的末尾对齐了,得到的结果是1.39,你能算出这道题的正确答案吗帮帮忙 已知a是|-2|的相反数,b的3的倒数的相反数,c是-3分之1的绝对值的倒数的相反数,d是-2又3分之2的绝对值.求|a|-|b|-|c|+|d|的值 小学四年数学应用题 小学四上数学应用题要鄂教版的,50道题,急啊! 在没有学过小数除法的情况下,以下应用题怎么解答:1千克芝麻可以榨油0.42千克,100千克芝麻可以榨油多少千克?如果要榨4.2千克的油,需要多少千克芝麻?没有学过小数除法,怎么用除法啊? 英语翻译我想问下半句话的意思是 下面哪个选项代表的数的下一个奇数比x大 还是 下面哪个选项代表的数的下一个奇数比x大? 【GRE数学】If x is an odd integer,for which of the following equations must y be an even integer?RT 其他选项都排除了,只剩x+2y=7 & 2x+y=6PS.by the way,integers between 1 and 100,包括1和100这两个数吗? [GRE数学]If -m/19 is an even integer,which of the following must be true?问m是什么数.给出五个选项,分别是 A:negative number(负数),B:positive number(正数),C:prime number(质数) ,D:odd integer(奇数) ,E:even integer 暑假你去小明家玩,正巧小明过生日.他和他的亲友邀请你吃饭.席间,你得向小明表示祝贺,你会怎样说?急. 一个长方形的周长是36米 他的面积最大是多少平方米? The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,____beyond our control.选most of them,为什么不是most of which?这是高中那一块的语法?谢 (-2)的平方-|-7|+3-2乘(-2分之1)-9除以3+(2分之1-3分之2)乘12+3的平方0.25乘(-2)的立方-[4除以(-3分之2)的平方+1]-2的平方-(-2)的平方+(-3)的平方乘(-3分之2)-4的平方除以|-4| The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,______ are beyond ourcontrol.A.most of themB.most of whichC.most of whatD.most of that为什么不选A 帮我解决四道数学计算题.(2 3/4)+(+2.47)+(1 1/2)+(+1 2/3)+(-1.07)4.4+(-1/3)+(-13)+(-3 2/3)+(-24)2.75-(-1/2)+(-5/6)-(-3/8)+4 1/3 -0.5+3 1/4+2.6-5 1/2+1.15写成省略加号的和的形式。晚 The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,____are beyond our control.A.most of them B.most of which C.most of what D.most of that 1) [(X+3)^2+(x+3)(x-3)]/2x2) (x+1)^2+2(1-x)-x^23) (a-1)^2(a-1)^2(a^2+1)^24) (x-2y-1)(2y-x-1)需要计算过程 the growing speed of a plant is influenced by many things __ are out of our controlA that B whose C which D where 为什么填B