
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:09:09
() did you feel disappointed?用when,what,why,where填空。()will you fly to New York?()does he usually do at weekend? when tickets do?语法正确么 新基督山伯爵 THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO怎么样 “基督山伯爵”法文"le Comte de Monte-Cristo"英文译成什么?可否译"the Count of Mount-Christ"?似乎法文基督一词与英文拼法相同,也为"christ",那么原文"cristo"又是从何而来? I fell in love with you, I hope you never know! 帮我翻译一下 有关相对论中快速运动的物体会变小的问题考虑这样一种情况,在一个粒子加速器中,一种粒子以99.94%的光速运动了2.2微秒(对于它自己来说),由于根据相对论原理,它的时间会变慢(对于观 《基督山伯爵》的英文简介要做相关PPT的,所以越多越好, 基度山伯爵简介 基督山伯爵的英文简介 (简单点的)演讲要用 五分钟就行了 基督山伯爵复仇简介我自几想了解,不需要写作文,前面报恩的看完了,复仇的太多了,不想看了 英语定语从句病句修改Mr zhang is the man for whom I have been looking.修改后为Mr zhang is the man who I have been looking for.我想问的是 为什么原句不可以?for 提前不可以吗? O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories.O.Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an excitin an American writer of short stor//改成short stor of an American writer对吗? Suzhou is one of _____(beautiful)cities in China Suzhou ,___we spent last spring ,is one of .where in which? 调换语言顺序屏幕右下角有个语言栏,怎样可以调换它们之间的顺序啊, you’ll never know no,she didn't leave china last year.she travelled to the USA in 2009强调in 2009 The famous band ___ (巡回演出)China last year.He ___(毕业)from our school in 2005. .Compared with last year,our pay _____ about ¥500 every month.A.has increased by B.has increased.Compared with last year,our pay _____ about ¥500 every month.A.has increased by B.has increasedC.increased by D.increased to不是都可以跟数字 格言和座右铭有什么区别 求一首英文说唱歌开头my life is all i have 谁知道副歌部分有“you can be just want you wanne be”的这首歌的名字啊?刚开始是女生合唱的,然后是一个男的唱的…… one of China's the most beautiful places对吗 这个句子有错么?Dalian is one of the most beautiful city in china be excited about造句意思是对...感到兴奋,一句,要写中文,尽量短一些, 《四月的维也纳》表达作者情感变化的语句这是全文的地址 四月的维也纳表达作者情感变化的语句 四月的维也纳 情感变化的词语 Don't be nervous翻译 例如nervous(adj)可写成I`m nervous. I`m not nervous. Don`t be nervous.那么worry呢可写成I`m worry吗 应该怎么写及它的否定形式 Don’t be nervous.Take it e________.