
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:26:16
Open your books and turn to page 20.为什么这里的book要加s?什么情况下要加s?动,名词分别怎么加s 关于“知己知彼,百战不殆”的议论文事例 排序,组句子:1.open,books,yuor,turn,page,5,and,to.2:bob,look,have,your,a,photo,can,at,i.要翻译 open your book and turn to page one对了吗 He is the youngest Scoring Champion in the history of the NBA .这句话啥意思? us caught with up him of none she the Olympic champion became youngest连词成句 MR.GREEN'S THE YOUNGEST SON WENT TO COLLEGE LAST YEARS.找错误 Stand ___ ,wait _____ your turn ,little boyA.in a line ,for B.in line ,forC.in queue ,with D.in a queue ,to 一篇文章只能有一个主人公吗 怎样分辨一篇文章的主人公? 求一篇以词语为主人公的想像作文!从下面几组词语中选择一组,作为主人公编故事,语句要通顺,字数不要太多.1 铅笔 橡皮 转笔刀 2 小溪 大河 3 眼睛 耳朵 鼻子 嘴 有关知己知彼百战不殆的事例!急 Be careful _(not make ) any mistakes in your homework 空格填什么 You may make m____ if you are not careful to do your homework her english is ----goodA pretty B too find 的现在分词 find的现在分词 find的现在分词形式 find后面跟现在分词么 知己知彼的故事 what we want____textbooks A are B is C were D was are /is was were用法1.Both of the statues on the shelf( )broken.A.are B.is2.Not one of the performers ( )at the party after the concert.A.were B.was3.When there ( )thunderstorms approaching, we are always reminded of the thre 用is,are,was 或were填空1.Yesterday _____a holiday.The children ____not in the classroom.2.Today ____not a holiday.The pupils_____in their classroom.3.Today____Monday.So yesterday_____ Sunday.4.Ted _____quite tall now but he ____short five years a Don't put your books e_____,Frank 填啥?告诉我中文还有This isn't my schoolbag;it is my y_____ you'd better put your books out 轩尼斯vsop700ml洋酒有分中文版和英文版吗?区别在哪里,价钱怎么中文比英文的贵几十元?其实中文版和英文版从口感上有无区别?是免税的那种,还是国产的~ 我买了一瓶1L轩尼斯,标签是英文,没有生产日期,请问:这是真酒吗? 尼斯的英文怎么发音 中国今年为什么总地震呢?四川,云南,新疆不断得地震,今天攀枝花又地震了.中国今年为什么总地震呢?四川,云南,新疆不断得地震,今天攀枝花又发生了6.1级得地震.死了15人,中国今年是怎么了, 他们如春雨一般,带来了红花绿草,装点着神州大地 意思是 请根据所学的知识,分别从政治、地理的角度谈一下为什么齐桓公能成为五霸中的首霸这是寒假园地七年级35页第3题 请分别从政治、地理的角度谈一谈为什么齐桓公能成为五霸中的首霸