
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:16:21
弱电系统图各图形符号表示的意思 弱电系统图中GXC 200*100MM什么意思 文化是一种决定社会发展的精神力量对吗? 为什么说文化是一种社会精神力量 薛谭学讴的解释 中国历史上有名的天问学家有哪些? r,i,e,d,v可以组成什么词 d,r,a,n组成什么词谢了,不过,要尽快啊,是五年级下册英语哦! 薛谭学讴中,薛谭身上有无可取之处?如有,是什么? 薛谭学讴的薛谭身上有什么可取之处 She with her friends wants(want) to see Beijing opera.是用括号里的还是不用 ______ she with her father go to see Beijing Opera?用do或does填空 可视门禁一直可视怎么办我这门禁没有插线,点了下监控,就亮了一天.找不到电源开关.是振威牌的. 英语翻译纯真、上口、押韵者优先 人们跑向四方,但不知去哪里 英语翻译 初二(上)新目标 英语语法归纳尽量有重点 简要明了.急,我的意思是例;about+Ving 等 这样的一些例子 初二下英语新目标会学到什么语法,时态? 分发英文 Water ______ in seas, rivers and lakes.A. exists B. keeps C. stays D. lives选哪一个 there is ___water from ___other lakes and rivers.(many) The water in the lakes and rivers in yunnan became ______because of dry weather A fewer and fewerB less and less C more and more The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan be-came______because of the dry weatherA.fewer and fewer B.more and more C.less and less D.little and little 现在2000左右买什么手机好啊 What's this in Chinese? 不好好学习,自然不能取得好成绩.反问句怎么改, 把“你还要好好学习其他知识才行呀!”改为反问句,意思不变. 我们是小学生,要好好学习.(改为反问句) 现在条件好了,我们没有理由不好好学习反问句 "I boght a book 10 years ago."he said 变间接引语 八年级英语周报几道形式题用所给的词组的适当形式完成句子.on business ,millions of ,send to ,look at ,more than1.There may be ____ stars in the Milky Way.2.You should ____ that bouse carefully before you buy it.3.These letters every day the sun heats up the water from the sea and rivers stop the factories from pouring the dirty water into the rivers