
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:32:30
but now you are exactly what i need you 翻译翻译、 How are you feeling now?怎么回答啊 How are you feel/feeling now?是填feel还是feeling呢? how are you feeling nowA.much better B.thanks a lot C.you are right D.very good我一直在AD中徘徊,谁能告诉我为什么,thanks 《桂枝香·金陵怀古》中化用杜牧《泊秦淮》诗句的句子是什么? 英语翻译OneRepublic - Everybody Loves Me Hail Caesar,shadow in my backseat And her friends are standing right in front of me Worldwide from the center of Turkey Open up and said,Everybody loves me And you don't have to make a sound 'Cause they go It was exactly what I needed为什么用exactly,be后面不是应该加形容词的吗 it was exactly what i needed是什么从句 初一生物:对于植物来说,环境不需要提供ABCDA:无机营养 B:有机营养 C:光能 D:温度 Martin said it was ____what he____.A exactly;needed B exact;needed C exactly;needs D really;need 血液循环,尿系统,神经系统等相关疾病的症状及发生原因 谁能帮我找点英语笑话啊z~~~~~~~~~~~简单点的就行啊~~ 已知a,b,m都是正数,且a 若正数a,b,m满足a分之b < a+m分之b+m,则a与b的大小关系是 若a 、 b、 m都为正数且b/a<b+m/a+m,则a与b的大小关系是 I've heard it said that Elizabeth is a tough businesswoman.it 后面为什么不加is 如果把it 改为her _____the news be true?No,it can't be true.填may 或是can? 1.—_____the news be true?—No,it_____ be true.A.Can,can’t B.May,can’t C.May,may not D.1.—_____the news be true?—No,it_____ be true.A.Can,can’t B.May,can’t C.May,may not D.Must,mustn’t求问这是出自哪里的卷子 is the news true? it's____ true,but not_____ not me一共有多少种翻译,请写下来 现在有什麼好听的非主流歌曲比方说what u what之列的 复数1+i与a+1的积为实数的充要条件 请帮我把let's get it started的高潮部分剪辑一下发给我好么`?大概从第50秒的Let's Get it started!(Haa!) Let's Get it started!(In here!) Yeah!开始,不要那些说唱了..把整首歌只保留跟这个旋律相同的部分. 英语翻译第五 It is imperative that这啥意思It is imperative that the frequency of trade necessitates more transportation facilities such asships,planes and cars 这句话怎么理解,这是老师给我的作文写的一句评语我的原句是这个:As we al with the help of the new technlolgy,you caqn e-mail your friends by mobile phone.这句话中为什么要用两个the?为什么要用of?with在这里的意思是什么?这句话有什么语法知识?最后求这句话的翻译. 求要Boyfriend的《Let's Get It Started》...Ps:如果是现场就不用发了.. 已知数列{a(n)},前n项和Sn=2n-n²,a(n)=log(5)bn,其中bn〉0,求数列{a(n)}的前n项和.小括号里的字母或数字为下标字母或数字 It's a long time since we met in our hometown.time 不是不可数名词吗,为什么还用a 数列bn=2^n(4n-3),求Sn it's a long time since we met in our hometown改为感叹句 我是英语“小白痴”问什么情况下,加ing,什么情况下要变成适当形式,复数要加什么,一般疑问句之类的怎么变疑问··········好多的最好关于初一的英语一般什么的都请告诉我,虽然知道回