
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:01:06
一次数学竞赛有32道题,做对一道得6分,做错一道扣2分.小明把32道题答了,但最后得了0分, 已知ab-2的绝对值与b-1的绝对值互为相反数若ab互为相反数,ab均不为0,xy互为倒数,m的绝对值是3,求(a+b)x/y+xym+1+a/b的值. 用正确的单词完成句子1.I am very___(渴)2.Do you like reading the ___(作品)of Lu Xun? 用正确的单词完成句子~ 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子1.Please take some __________ (pear) to Mrs Black.2.Mr Whits _______________ (have) salad for dinner.3.Helen ___________ (not like) ice cream.4.We see many __________ (strawberry) on the table.5.Do you like c 五年级举行数学竞赛共20题.做对1题5分,做错扣3分,罗婧得了60分,她做对几题 已知2-b的绝对值与a+4 的绝对值互为相反数,求ab -2003的值 初一英语:选择适当的单词完成句子long,want,help,big,colorHello!I____________ a red skirt for my daughter.Peter can _____________ you with your math.My pencil is ______________-.Your pencil is short.--What ______________ is Jenny's T-sh 共20道试题.对一题得5分,错一题要倒扣3分.小明得了60分,问他做对多少题?要算式的 一份数学试卷有20道题,错一道题倒扣3分,小青都做了,只得了60分.他做错了几道题? 找几个初一英语乱词成句比如here.has,pgoto,Tommy,a,of,family,his,great(.)还要4个左右,怎么就一个?太少了,并且答案也没有?汗…… 初一英语完成句子每空一词Mary was so nervous that she didn't do wellin the exam.(写出其同义词)Mary was ____ ____ ____ ____well in the exam.I went to (the Computer Club) yeserday afternoon.(对括号部分提问)_____ ____ ___ 小亮计算了20道数学竞赛题,做错-道倒扣3分,结果小亮得了60分,求他做对了几道.(过程要全). 小亮计算了20道数学竞赛题,做错一道题倒扣3分,结果小亮得了60分.求他做对了几道题?算式怎么列? 若4A减B的绝对值与根号B+3互为相反数,求AB的值 把下列句子改成同义词 (初一英语)1、Rose is one of the best students in our classRose is_____ _____ _____ _____ _____in our class 2、Sally often calls her parents on saturdaySally often _____ _____ _____ _____her parents on saturday 1.My mother collects me from school every day.2.What did you do with the broken glass?3.They enjoyed themselves at Shenzhen Safari Park.4.What about having fish for supper?5.The computer includes zhe main board,the screen and zhe keyboard.6.Let’s b Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?The fire alarm went off.I wet some towels.The phone was dead.A fireman showed up.(用英语翻译句子) 解释句子(初一英语)用英语解释句子1、Our clock at the railway station should be accurate.(主要改be accurate)2、In ancient times,women were not allowed to work outside.3、What did you do with the broken glass?4、The police 用英语解释句子1.Everyone in my class ___joined___in__(解释画横线的)the sports meeting.________ 2.The man __provides__ (解释画横线的)lots of money _for_ the poor people._______ 3.Scientists are looking for mays to _reduce_(解 某小学再一次数学竞赛中有20道题 规定作对一道的5分 做错一道扣3分 结果小明的60分 问 小明做对几到? 某小学举行一次数学竞赛,共15道题,每作对一道题的8分,每做错一题,扣4分,小明得了7 初一英语人教版下册第四单元答案 实数ab在数轴上的位置如图所示,那么化简绝对值a减b减根号a的平分a大于0,b小于0 苏教版的,初一英语下册课本,跪求~~~~~~~(>_ 哪里有卖初一英语下册课本的?京教版的. 已知x-y-2的绝对值+(2xy-1)的平方=0,求x(x+y)(x-y)-x(y-x)的平方的值. 小明计算20道题目,规定做对一道题得5分,做错一题扣3分,结果小明20道题都做,却只得了60分,问他做对了几题? 小明计算20道题,规定做对一道题的五分,做错一道题反扣三分.结果小明20道题都做了,却只得了60分,问他做几道题? 计算:一又三分之一的五十次方乘四分之三的五十二次方 化简(式中字母均为正数)1 .a的三分之一次方乘a的四分之三次方乘a的十二分之七次方 已知x+2的绝对值=【y-2分之一】的平方=0,求代数式3分之1x的三次方-2x的平方y+3分之2x的3次方+3x的平方y+5+1-5xy的平方的值