
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:18:42
He goes to many countries.He often tellf me about his stories in those countries.We have a lovely cat in America's home.But we cannot take it with us. 请说明下理由Everyone likes eating ice-cream.Did you ever think () where it came from?为什么要选about而不选of,think of和think about都有考虑的意思啊,但是这里为什么要选about? 七年级英语(解答并说明原因)1、Does Betty's aunt often go to_______(钢琴音乐会)on Sunday.2、Shall we go to the Daming's birthday party together?(改为同义句)What( )( )to the Daming's birthday party together?3、Betty,would 1.walk the bridge carefully.It's dangerous to run.2.At the beginning of each class ,we listen to a song. 制作统计表是,首先应收集( ),然后在把这些数据进行( ),最后绘制成统计表. 现将连续自然数1至2004按照每排7个的方法排成1个长方形阵列,用一个正方形框出9个数要使一个正方形框出的9要使一个正方形框出的9个数之和为2007?是否可能?若不可能,试说明理由,若有可能, C语言编程:序列求和.有一分数序列:2/1,3/2,5/3,8/5,13/8,21/13,...求出这个数列的前n项之和.关于输入 第一行为整数m,表示有m行数据需要处理.其后每行一个整数n,表示求前n项之和.关于输出 输出为m 英语翻译 翻译:fill in the missing letters What are the missing number and letterD 14 M 10 H 19 是要填的东西。 把3.,八个数字相减!每个数字只能用一次 :[ ]- [ ]= [ ]- [ ]=[ ]- [ ]=[ ]-[ ] 求两种做 What is the missing number?20,30,50,40,( ),50,( ),60,( ),70,( ) what number is missing from the final boxA 6 B 7 C 8 D 选什么24 52 35 11 what number is missing from the final box?(意思) What number is missing from this series?5 7 12 19 31 ( ) number what's the is missing 连词成句 英语的语法方面问题,希望有童鞋老师帮我解答,.RT. 1 ,在你卧室门后面,为什么用 behind the door in your room 而不用 in your room after the door , 2, 你班里的漂亮女孩,为什么用 the beautiful girl of your cla What is the missing number in the box?请翻译一下. Please look at these numbers:1,3,5,______ ,11.What is the missing number in English? 3x=y+z+1485y=x+z+1486z=x+y+148请问xyz分别等于多少?不用解方程也行,但要说明理由.本人小鞋六年级,稍有些不懂,请多多指教! Fill in the missing wordRead the following passage,then choose appropriate words from the word box and write them in the following passageEvening and sunrise in LondonThen the crowd for ever passing and (Q1) on the bridges where many stop on fine eve 1.媚丽一生,新到了一款典雅的女装,这款女装的上衣比裙子贵1200元,已知上衣售价的5分之1与裙子售价的3分之1相等,求他们各是多少元、2.兴华制衣有限公司得2个车间,甲车间的人数是乙车间的6 Fill in the missing words 非常急Read the following passage,then choose appropriate words from the word box and write the answer.As the period fixed for our marriage drew nearer,whether from (Q1) or a prophetic feeling,I felt my heart sink within m 聪明的童鞋来帮帮忙-争取一小时内 符号打标准点~抄起来要轻松~计算(1²-2²/1+2)+(3²-4²/3+4)+(5²-6²/5+6)+...+(2009²-2010²/2009+2010)的值 请对 砌墙的砖头?歇后语 砌墙的砖头,后面是什么 数学题 九个格子17到25这几个数字之间相加都等于66求解求数学帝来 手机提的问 在线等 谢谢呢 第九个 一个关于相机的问题(我百思不得其解)既然我用放大镜看物体时,成的是虚像(物距小于1倍焦距) 那为什么我却能用我的数码相机把透过放大镜看到的放大的像照下来? 这个物理题百思不得其解在光滑水平轨道上,有一质量为M的小车,车内顶部中心挂一长为L的轻杆,并栓一质量为m的小球,可绕顶部中心的O点无摩擦转动,今让杆呈水平,为使当小球运动到最低点时 to miss the point 现代大学英语精读三的短语,帮忙翻译一下 我们的历史老师让我们去做一道题目,童鞋们,你,为什么要吃饭?(开卷)(10分)