
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:45:30
带小字的成语有哪些 Are you in class one?Are you in class two?合并为选择疑问句 Sam and I are in different class.这句话哪里有错? 英语翻译实在看不懂,选自(明史 列传十一)煜既至,乃诈称疾,自言老不任职,惟受平章印诰而已.国珍不听,惟日夜运珍宝,治舟楫,为航海计.授广西行省左丞,食禄不之官. 爱莲说 ..爱莲说 这课.作者从哪些方面写莲花.作者认为君子有哪些方面的行为.这篇文章的主旨..我不要看这么多. Today is Amy brithday.找出句中错误地方,并改正 作文 值得 600字 记事的 Could you please ()the window?it is very cold outside. 你愿意做鲁迅这样的少爷还是少年闰土中的闰土这个少年? 分享——600字作文 要符合中学生写的 600字左右就行 在哪找的无所谓 一片描写秋的文章,600字左右.这是明天要交的作文,我实在是不会写,求求您, it is very cold.Please dress your coat 还是 Please wear your coat Mike thinks Beijing is a interesting city有什么错 my grandfather likes beijing o------- a lot 迸溅的造句(30字) ‘于园’一文最后一句话用了什么修辞手法? 于园表达了作者怎样的思想感情 木兰诗主旨 为了庆祝新年,小红和小明共折了100只千纸鹤.小明说:我这的只数是小红的3倍.小红和小明两人各折了多少只千纸鹤? 小红折的纸鹤是小明的两倍,把小红的纸鹤给小明四只,小明就比小红多1只.小红有纸 期中考试后的反思作文(考砸了)要原创的 木兰诗的主旨 小明折了100只纸鹤,小英折了72只纸鹤.平均每人折多少只纸鹤? 手工制作小组折了20只纸鹤、25只纸船,纸船比纸鹤多( )只,纸鹤比纸船少()% 帮我解释一句古文,也许你会君子之交,其淡如水.执象而求,咫尺千里.问余何适,廓而忘言.华枝春满,天心地园 many scientists fail to recognize that the environment an individual grows up in plays a much more pivotal role in the molding or undoing of one's behavioral tendency.这个that是个宾语从句.句意为.许多科学家没能够认识到环境在 many scientists fail to recognize that the environment an individual grows up in plays amuch more pivotal role in the molding or undong of one's behavioral tendency.怎么翻译 The most successful scientists failed much more often than the less successful o Scientists use genetic modication to make many of the vaccines \many vaccines,这题中的many和many o这题中的many of \many 可以通用吗?是一个意思吗?Scientists use genetic modication to make many of the vaccines 还是Scientists us The government pass a law to protect the environment and __the balance of nature.A.keep B.to keep问:应选哪个?还是两个都可以?为什么?请详细说是哪种语法 The government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.这句话怎么用上in order to The Chinese goverment is taking actions to protect nature.对 to protect nature 提问?