
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 21:32:28
疑问,(英语作业)My parents bring me some oranges every day.1,变为否定句.2,变为一般疑问句.3,作肯定和否定回答. 英语作业疑问. 求英文自我介绍例文申请大学用的 英语作业的一些难题. 四年级英语下册期中试卷,英语期中考试试卷练习题.英语书是广州版的,是教育科学出版社的.今晚就要!十万火急!如果好的话,会有可观的分的. 英文自我介绍范文(短一点)快 适当形式填空There is a boy _____(name) Tom ______(stand) there.She often ______(buy) some food in the supermarket.句型转换1.They went to plant trees.(疑问句)2.It was rainy.(划线提问,划线部分是rainy)3.You can go there on foot.( 用on weekends、make a list、hardly ever、surf、how often、it'good for造句.这些单词必须全部用在一个句子.如果不可以,那就请多用些词造句. 根据全句的意思选用合适的动词.1.Yesterday I (took)(received)a present from Aunt Jane.2.Have you(taken)(received)a letter from him yet?3.I(took)(received)the letter with me.4.He has (taken)(received)some flowers to her.5.Why did you 和谁更优秀,谁更值得一读! 已知函数f(x)=x的3次方-3ax+b(a,b 已知函数f(x)=√3sinπx+cosπx,x属于R(1)若方程f(x)=2m-3有实数解,求m取值范围 简单的关于英语演讲稿,我要我要我要!关于未来的!一分钟的!题目《我梦想中的世界》, 如何订阅空中英语教室杂志? 空中英语教室杂志邮发代号到底是12-201还是12-49,有没有既不带磁带又不带光盘的单刊?邮发代号是多少?是疯狂英语好还是空中英语教室的内容适合高中生看? 空中英语教室杂志---有哪些优势?有哪些好处,通通道来. ..已知y=f(x),且f(-3/2)=根号5/25,则函数y=f(x)的解析式是A y=x的3/2次幂 B y=5的-x次幂 C y=x的5次幂 D y=5的x次幂若f(x)=(3/2) x次幂,0小于x小于1,则有A f(x)大于1 B 0小于f(x)小于1 C 1小于f 关于空中英语教室这本杂志《空中英语教室》(即是中级的)单刊邮发代号:12-49 是和http://video.baidu.com/v?wd=%BF%D5%D6%D0%D3%A2%D3%EF%BD%CC%CA%D2&word=%BF%D5%D6%D0%D3%A2%D3%EF%BD%CC%CA%D2&sc=hao123&oq=1&rsp=2&f=3的 求 星火英语四级听力周计划的mp3 光盘里面的 有的好心人发扣5 7 8 7 3 3 3 8求 星火英语四级听力周计划的mp3 光盘里面的 有的好心人发扣5 7 8 7 3 3 3 8 1 @ q q.c o m 帮忙看下这些句子的语法问题吧After scoring ten goals in the first half of the competition,the soccer players thought that they had ensured victory.想问一下这里用had ensured的意思是什么?还有如果had ensured victory 那部 帮我分析下这句的语法和句式结构,看看有没有错误,The most striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably.后面那个 is that unbelievably 能这么用吗? 还是语法问题 请看下面几个句子I want every avilable plane on this ship in the air.成分是不是这样的啊:I 主语 want 谓语 every available plane 宾语 on this ship 地点状语 in the air XX状语It is a good idea to think thi 2013八年级下册英语周报第5版41期的答案 这句英文语法正确吗?Sand is a good leader better than PerdPush it early or lose the game.that's all your choose不对请指正 星火英语2014年六月四级预测卷准吗 八年级下册英语周报36期选择题的语法、解析,前十个就行____ a doctor is my sister's dream job.A.BecomesB.To becoming C.BecomingD.Became已知正确答案为c,请问为什么呢?Mike will go to climb the mountain if it ____this wee 2014年12月大学英语四级听力答案(卷三) 八年级下册英语周报第32期其他都做完了,剩下作文不会写,求作文找不到告诉我怎么写也可以的,写Bob的什么行为啊 英语翻译Look at the first patagraph as it often cotains an introduction to or overview of what will be talked about.(此句中的to是什么意思,为什么用在这里?)Reading like this makes understanding much easier and more efficient becau 英语翻译一.here is the card and book.here后面为什么不用 are二.在表达询问物品归属时 除了用whose shirt is this?whose is tis shirt?可以用 this shirt is whose?is this shirt whose?三.-please look after the twins,KATE.-OK,with 英语翻译Montreal has colouful nightlife,with many restaurants and clubs,as well as cultural and street festivals to ensure that no visitors is ever bored. 现在的英语六级到底是怎么样的啊?我看了百度百科,说是100分制,60及格.我看新闻说取消合格线了,没有六级证书只有六级成绩了,这么说来,没有标准就没有过和不过的说法了吖.可是还是很多人