
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 12:28:21
在西语里面,la,el,los,cuando,之类的词是怎么加的?什么叫副词,什么叫冠词,在西语里面,la,el,los,cuando,之类的词是怎么加的?什么叫副词,什么叫冠词?什么叫过去未完成时规则动词变化?还有,me corte la 西班牙语中la 和el 的用法是怎么样的?还有,las和los又有什么区别?因为我是自学的,所以很多东西不明白, 武大数学基地班怎么样,就业如何?本人为湖北2010一考生,理科618分+10分武大自主招生(一本线557分),比较喜欢数学,希望报考武大数学基地班,但不知其就业或前景如何,希望各位前辈指教.(有 新西兰人说西班牙语比较多吗我发现新西兰的西语翻译公司挺多的,特有此疑问 TAP TAP coldplay怎么下载音乐? 黄河的发源处是哪? 黄河的发源处 在西班牙语中,llamarse和se llama有没有什么区别 西班牙语中 llamarse和se llama的区别是什么?怎么理解RT 我讨厌购物英语怎么说 英语翻译try to do the following easy tips to get over stress top tip什么意思(后面介绍的是知识点),翻译成要点吗? tip有没有提示的意思? Berkovich Indentor tip是什么意思 英语翻译《阿甘正传》影评我喜欢阿甘,阿甘不聪明,智商只有75,可这点丝毫没有影响他.甚至,就是因为他的质朴、纯善和有些较真的执念,才使他取得了许多常人都无法相比的成就.他对这个复 我又长大一岁嘞用英语怎么说 今天的天气无比明媚.(修改病句)快! 修改病句:今天的气温大约只有10度左右. Tom is always friendly and helpful,friendly and helpful划线提问 Mary is friendly and helpful.划线提问friendly and helpful 怎么用西班牙语说这句is the number of people that play football increasing or decreasing in recent years? 今天又老(长大)一岁,英文怎么说? 西班牙用英语怎么说 Kate doesn't do any work because she is ill.(对 because she is ill提问) give me some time是不是中国式英语?哪位留美人士给个标准答案阿!要亲眼见过外国人这样说哦! The giel is lying in bed because she is ill 对划线because she is ill 提问 She did't go to work because she was ill 同义句,She did't go to work _______ _______ her ______改为She did't go to work _______ _______ her ______ 请问这个怎么说:又过了一个春节,又长大了一岁 always works hard she always helpful and friendly is she造句 “Could you give me some information about those lovely guys?如题 could anyone give me some info about Chinese cultural revolution?i wanna know what were the impact on Chinese people,such as their daily lives..soial and economic infulences..during that period when the "gang of four" has most of the policital power.