
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:45:47
The tall boy doesn't like playing ( ) at all. A、a guitar B、guitar C、the guitar mostly和mainly的区别 mostly用法有何区别mainlymostly与mainly用法上有啥区别 关于mainly mostly它们有什么区别吗? 英语单词mostly和mainly的区别?单词mostly和mainly的区别?怎么在做题中区分它们?那这句话应该填什么呢?The students()visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China 用所给词的适当形式填空 I'm busy now.I can help you ____(late). DO you have a lot of ____(funny)?____(not be) worried about your mother.It's time for us _____(have) a music museum. He was able to____(ride)a bike when he was 8. 改错:1 he is able to ride a bike when h改错:1 he is able to ride a bike when he was five 2 l have no interest in play the piano 3 Usually,the old is weak and slow求答案! 网络服务提供商NSP(network service provider)与因特网服务提供商ISP有什么区别网通和电信是NSP还是ISP,AOL属于NSP还是ISP? WANGLING-PC_NETWORK是什么网络 linux网络配置 connect:network is unreachable刚装完机已经设了/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0的ip/etc/sysconfig/network的网关/etc/resolt.conf的dns并且service network restart 成功了ping 网关,回路可以通ping dns — 英语翻译要加音标! 环球雅思班怎么样,熟悉的麻烦告诉下. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99%到底是爱迪生说得还是爱因斯坦 it takes.twenty minutes to the windows 应用he还是用him why? 英语基础很差,因为高中三年基本没怎么学英语,想要留学去澳洲,在环球雅思入学测试了一下,我属于初中以上英语水平,英语基础薄弱者.报了一个雅思15人5个月浸泡封闭班,5个月我能达到雅思6. They are going to Beijing together this weekend.对句子提问 翻译 Describe a time when you resolved a conflict? 这个题是这样的 Name something red Name something tall Name something round Name something thin Name我儿子的作业上也有这道题,我想问问您答案 Name something thin. name something name something red 这个题是这样的Name something redName something tallName something roundName something thinName something fastName something loud tall sb.to do sth怎么造句 ﹏丶 if we had the chance to do it all again 淡蓝的,5号字,Mingliu体 If we hsd the chance to do it all again. If we had the chance to do it all again,but haven't.是不是“如果我们有机会重来的.”的意思? If I had the chance to do it all again什么意思 宁愿笑着流泪也不哭着说后悔 她说的 哪些字属于字音联系法 all,of,you,parents,for,consider,study,hard,best,and,should,to,your.连词成句 students,my,many,like,in,Miss,class,Liu.(连词成句)同义句转换:翻译:李磊根本不喜欢那本书.Jerry speaks good Chinese.Jane likes her cat a lot. 什么是茶果脯 茶果脯的制作