
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:36:14
帮忙翻译个英文句子.i'm here tofuckyo ass. 如果方程lg²x+(lg2+lg3)lgx+lg2·lg3=0的两根为x1,x2,则x1·x2的值为多少利用韦达定理,看出是关于lg x的方程 根据x1+x2=-b/a x1x2=c/a,解题其中lg(x1x2)=-lg6=lg6^(-1)=lg1/6这一步我没看懂,利用x1x2=c/a,我写 怎么练英语口语和听力,我听听力的时候总是反映不够快,并且总是想明白每个字是什么意思,这样好像心里才踏实,怎么样能听懂又能做到心里踏实 怎样练英语口语听力呢?听力不好,别人说什么我都不知道.问一下该怎么练习听力呀,怎么学有效啊? 请问Hope that is fine for you.最好的表达式什么?翻译成中文呢? 英语翻译 suppose she wasnt really going to stay here!翻译! 英语翻译问题:She is going to be here any moment now, I think the festival is really special 对really special提问 请问 between one thing and another 全句是:Between one thing and another,Charles did not finish typing his paper last night. really necessary的中文翻译 Only take such clothes as are really necessary.这句语什么意思尤其请帮我分析一下,as在句中到底作什么,引导什么从句.为什么都没有主语?不胜感谢. over ok I like .I have to leave!Im really tired!Since then we have nothing to do with That's fine 我是初学者请详细点, 哪里有错?That is a 15 dollars fine. 我英语基础应该说很好,想请教大师们怎么练好英语口语和听力?我家在农村,什么去English corner 或与外国人交流,都是空话.而我平时与人说英语,别人不是骂我神经病就说不懂英语,我自己也背啊 There is another thing I want to ask Miss Hu about 的意思是什么? saying is one thing and doing is another 求方程f(x)=x3-sinx-12x+1的全部实根,ε=10-6.编程有没高手给份实验报告啊 用迭代法求解方程:x-2cosx=0的所有实数根(要求判断根的个数及范围,构造收敛的迭代格式,并且求出精确到【10的(-5)次方】的近似根).需要详解 陈太丘与友期续写 《世说新语》《陈太丘与友期》续写 陈太丘与友期,用现代文续写 男he's tell me why you have to go 女I'm a fashion love missing you 韩文歌男女对唱韩文听不懂,只记得英文的几句 求一首韩文歌,有几句英文歌词大概是can you feel my love all life.please don't tell me why,一个女孩唱的,很甜的声音 韩胜妍的 super star Tell Me Your Love Trax这两首歌的中文音译如题!请注意后面的中文音译!要的是中文音译.不是罗马拼音~~ She is tired.She wants to find a hotel and have a good rest.把两句话合并成一句 单项选择 ( )Molly is tired,( ) she wants to have a rest.A.Because,so B.Why,becaus C./,so Yes,I have a headache.跟据答句写问句 Yes,I have a bad headache.不能用 What's the matter? 有趣的童年作文 有趣的童年 作文600字,写2件及以上的事件