
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:48:46
vegetables and fruit are good for a_____ of us _______a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.___D___a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.A.It has B.They have C.It remains D.There remains这个句子看不明白 [people as to Do you ever study with a group?with 可以换成in 三种不同的氨基酸不限个数可以组成三肽最多有多少种这个问题用考虑顺序吗 现有4种氨基酸 数量不限最多能合成不同结构的三肽有多少种A4的3次方B四种C 12种 ask sb to do sth. speak they each every other to day 连词成句 三分钟之内 now some robots can do many s__ jobs ( ) can robots do for people? robots could fill the jobs of 3.5 million people.请问3.5 million, 如何把它变成350万的, 求详细解法. ,i will be waiting when you coming home 出自哪里 字母排序列表右下角的一个圆球最后一个是什么意思在联系人和法式列表界面上,随便点击一个字母,字母排序列表右下角最后一个是什么意思 People are a bit embarrassed for them,as if they'd stepped over some boundary of propriety.请求翻译 i'm a bit cautions about car advertisement怎么翻译 i know that用英语怎么读用拼音 much 的过去式是什么I bought much books in London这个句子哪儿错嘞 过去式后面能不能加many times啊l read this book many times much,well,slowly,的过去式和过去分词 How do you study for a test?和I study by working with a group怎样仿写 I study for a test by working with a group.(对画线部分提问,后5个单词) every man,woman,and child is/are protected under the law这里用复数还是单数 ,还有 55minutes 和20 dollars 后面是 is 还是are. do you know the ( ) under the tree?she is my daughter's teacher.A people b man c person d child请说明理由 none的用法后的谓语动词是单数还是复数 英语:all the people ______(do) housework on sundays 不是所有人 的英语翻译 可不可以是not all the people businesswoman和businessman是什么意思? businessman是什么意思 Mr.Paul does well un his business.He is a s___ businessman. businessman什么意思 Kong's new experiment in Chinese folk music ...Kong's new experiment in Chinese folk music is so important to him that he even changed his appearance. Kong goes for folk.是什么意思 new openness是什么意思?老是看见China's new openness