
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:58:57
–What about the red dress Will you take it?–it_____well.A.washed B.washing C.is,washed D.washes 这题为什么选D, 英语的时态与语态 10.What sports will you____ in sports meeting?A.join B.have C.take D.take part in为什么呢? 英语翻译今天我为大家介绍美剧《危机边缘》.《危机边缘》是多集科幻电视连续剧,讲述了一架飞机中的乘客突然碰到了超自然现场,机上乘客全都神秘死亡.接着一位FBI女特工、神秘科学家Wal 怎麽用英文说买电影票?提及电影的名字 时间 几张 学生票.还有其它英语日常对话...比如说:在商场里 要怎么用礼貌的语气问salesperson某样东西在哪里?买mc donalds & KFC 要怎么说才像外国人呢? 低调才是牛b的炫耀低调才是牛的炫耀这话怎么理解怎么样才算是低调三国演义中司马懿在夺得天下前算低调么 怎么低调才能做出最牛逼的炫耀?我不是想炫耀哈~我只是想做一个很牛逼的人,但是又很低调! 低调是最牛B的炫耀用英文怎么说 为什么说低调是最牛比的炫耀? 有低调二字的句子 类似与 低调 是最牛逼的炫耀 3dmax里我挤出后怎么看不到面呢,只能看到线框,但是渲染时看就有 3D MAX中只显示物体线框的图如何渲染,只显示线框,不显示实体面. 关于care for 的用法.America are constantly seeking new ways of (caring for) increasing numbers of older people with physical limitations .其中care for care for 的本意不是愿意做……吗! Care for a bite用英语怎么解释 [WHO CARE?是单纯的反问句,还是有别的意思,或是有相反的意思? 翻进去用英语怎么说 这句话翻成英语怎么说我会是你可以依靠的肩膀 There are some great photos of people and of the countryside.加the和没加the有什么区别,为什么people前面不加the,而countryside前面加the.知道的告诉下, There are many people ( ) photos of the Great Wall.A.talking B .taking C.take D.to take 英语时态语态In large letters the advertisement ,"LIVING AND WORKING ABROAD?CONTACT US TODAY!"A.reads B.is read C.reading D.is reading要原因,顺便问下这道题是考察read的固定用法还是语态? care for与care about区别 英语翻译Buenas tardes,quisiera saber comno puedo realizar el pedido,y que seguridad tengo de recibir el pedido,como debo proceder,y me gustaria que facilitaseis el numero de telefono de wester union. the girl is dressed a dress 这里为什么用dressed而不是dressing But sometimes there are many cars running on the road,为什么要用running? There are many people and cars in the street换成同义句The street is()() there are so many places of-------(history)interest in beijing. there are a lot of (interest)places in beijingthere are a lot of ------- (interest)places in beijing请说明为什么 英语作文.描述最喜欢的发明.比如笔记本电脑.数码相机.手机等.理由至少两方面.初三水平啊.急啊. 我从朋友那里得到了一张电影票有英语翻 ( )in her new dress,she took part in her friend's birthday party.A.Dressing.B.Having dressed she is()a new evening dress today.dressing是对的吗?putting,wearing,in应该选哪一个?求讲解 After she made up herself,she ______ her evening dress and went to the party.After she made up herself,she ______ her evening dressand went to the party.A.changed into B.got into C.worn into D.put into