
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:35:16
1.The beautiful girl's has straight hair 改为同义句 余光中的《民歌》标题的含义标题“民歌”的含义:1.2. 余光中 民歌意义是最好是两点 回答余光中诗《民歌》的几个问题1、《民歌》中的“民歌”代表的是什么?这首诗抒发了诗人什么样的感情?2、谈谈下列词语在诗中的含义.最最母亲;我的红海;你的血,他的血. 《民歌》中,余光中表达了自己怎样的思想感情? The murderer was brought in,with his hands ________ behind his back.A.being tied B.having tied C.to be tied D.tied 英语翻译课本上的课文,不会翻译Aesthetically pleasing lines are evident with usually well-raked clipper-type bows and unusual funnel shapes I hate people【 who tell lies】定语从句修饰people 还有一个问题就是I saw them playing football 【on the playground 】地点状语修饰宾语补足语 I arrived at Beijing 为什么这里的谓语是 arrived at at Beijing 不是地 what i hate most is_____(tell) lies. play,后面加the是乐器还是球类 I can play …这个句子加乐器的时候需要加定冠词"the" 么是:I can play the pinao还是:I can play pinao play the piano 前加定冠词 而play football前不加是因为习惯吗/不好意思基础有点差,有些还忘记了. is this如何发音看了视频教程,is this是不连读的,is的s发z,this的th发ð,后者是需要舌头往外探一下顶上齿,但是这两个单词如果不连读的话即要发s然后又接着把舌头伸出一点儿顶上齿发ð,这 there may not be 和 there may be no有什么区别?请问这两个句子有什么区别? there be not还是there be no there be句型后可以加名词加 be动词么eg:There were not any store was open in the morning. 英语 There be + not + any + 名词 + .not 是副词,修饰哪个部分? The day after tomorrow she__a volleyball match.A.watches B.is watching C.is going to watch no,any,not any后面各加单数还是复数呢?其他的一些词呢?需要例句. not any/no+ 名词复数作主语 谓语动词用单数还是复数 BIuetooth翻译中文汉字是什么意思? Linux内核版本中的longterm和stable是什么意思,请不要直接翻译成中文,求解释. I was writing a letter when she called.这句话的意思该怎么解释,我理解的是“当她打电话的时候我正在写信”,那么后面应该是“when she calling”.请问when这个词都可以连接什么语态?请指教 ___(幸好),she was in when I called. ---------------,she was in when i called (luck) luckily,she was in when i called. 1、"When we called her,she was sleeping." 的同意句 German怎么读 要中文的那种斜音 怎么读?中文斜音怎么读? 翻译下面句子She will be called Esther."She will be called Esther," mumbled Cater,drunk and in a rage because his third child was a girl,and a fragile,small one at that. 这句话里at that的that指什么啊.很奇怪为什么要用at,而不用 Let him _____(watch) TV now . Let's watch TV now改为同义句