
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:06:30
3只猫3天捉3只老鼠,100只猫几天捉100只老鼠? 多次被评为优秀员工用英语怎么说如题 “被评为优秀员工”用英语怎么说? ”担任中共一大会址义务讲解员” 英语怎么说 展览馆解说员/讲解员用英语怎么说口语中,书面语中应该有区别吧 when did you last have a haircut?怎么回答 when did you last have haircut 这句话中的last 是什么副词? 1.When did you have supper last night?怎么回答 --__do you have a haircut?--Once a weekA.How long B.How soon C.When D.How often When ___ a sports meeting?Last Sunday morning.A.had you B.do you have C.did you have D.will youhave 语法说明并翻译 “以…形式”用英语怎么说?是in form of 还是in the form of? 模式用英语怎么说 What do you often do when it______?a)rainy b)rain c)raining d)is rainy What?you (do)when I called you?正确形式填空 Yesterday I (fall)and(hurt)mylegWe weren't happy with the hotel.Our room (be)small and it(not be)clean What do you ___ ___ (想) do when you grow up. What do you usually do when it's raining? [w70] -When did you last hear _____ Bill?-He emailed me yesterday,and we agreed _____ atime to meet.A.of ; on B.of ; with C.from ; withD.from ; on 请翻译,并分析. 这活没法干了 英语怎么说? When did you last tidy your room? 有某人正在干某事(英文)怎么说? Did you hear someone___at the door when you___TV last night?A.knock,was watchingB.knock,watching C.knock,were watching D.knock,are watching 在百科上看到EXO-k和kris客串了致美丽的你,K我看到了,kris...注意了注意了,重点不是我看到电视剧里有没有KRIS,而是百科,百度百科上这么写的! 致美丽的你里exo鹿晗的截图 致美丽的你,EXO-M的kirs,lay,鹿晗什么时候出场~ 英语适当形式填空 写理由Eric si trying to find out who _____(take away) his watch. 英语 写理由 适当形式填空 Not ____ (know) where to start 写理由 适当形式填空Mr Smith hasn't decided when _____ (travel) to London 用适当形式填空并写理由.........1.It's___(sun) today .What about going on a picnic?2.The people in the small town are ___(friend)to us.3.This dress is ___(make) of cotton.4.They___ (buy) her a present yesterday and she lik “恐怖片听起来吓人”里面的“吓人”用英语怎么说如题sound不是系动词吗..是不是后面加形容词啊 英语翻译 "我喜欢来自中国的你"英语怎么说? 小明将6000元的压岁钱存入银行定期3年如果年利率为百分之3.14到期可取回多少元