
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:23:19
blue in the sky blue in your Lover begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. 如果有一天,外星人来地球,你说他们是善意的还是恶意的?理由要充分!分析问题的过程是很有乐趣的,朋友们. 如果有一天外星人说:带你离开地球,你会怎样呢?你会怎样处理这来得突然的问题? 从这件事情中,使我明白了一个深刻的道理.这句话错在哪里.谢谢 通过这件事,让我明白了很多道理 学习了鱼游到了纸上,我明白了什么道理?⊙ o ⊙ 急用( ⊙ o ⊙ 床下底吹喇叭?揭后语揭后语 do some reading是什么意思 “do some reading”的是什么意思? 高山上吹喇叭------名声远扬的意思是什么 However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have som however mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun and call it hard names. however mean your life is,meet it and live it,don't call it hard name! 怎么在origin里给图像寻峰我在一张图里做了三条线,然后想要把每条线的峰都标示出来,应该怎么弄不是只给一条标,是每条 新概念英语背一册要多久我是高2的,英语很拉,顺便告诉下我背哪册好.顺便也请大家讲下自己心得,小弟也想学习下. 用what kind of…造句 今天听到一首歌.开头是一个小孩的声音说:小朋友什么什么的.然后就是一阵吹喇叭的声音,很轻快~期间还有准备好了吗时刻准备着之类的歌词~求歌名! 请问有什么四字词带有“语”字?最好越多越好. 笑喷是什么词性 一份检讨,关于作业抄错而导致作业没写,写认识,500字, I've hod enoygh of your garbage翻译成汉语是什么意思?应急哈! 因为没写作业写检讨500字的 困了 Think of garbage Has the teacher finished marking the exam papers SORRY,I DON'T KNOW.He _______(mark) themHas the teacher finished marking the exam papers SORRY,I DON'T KNOW.He _______(mark) them in the office yesterday afternoon.为什么用was marking 而不是mark Prof.Zhang handed out the papers to all the students,except__who had already taken them.A.these B.ones C.the ones D.the others为什么选C,其他为什么不能选,希望解释清楚一点, I`m leaving now.( )you turn off the lights.A To make sure B Make sure C Made sure D Making sure 内容新颖的,或新颖的 英语用什么词 lucky in my lucky in my Who can lucky in my 谁能幸运的.我的 梦.. I live in my own dream world.中文是什么 意思