
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:15:23
They are near the river.跟据答句写问句 _____________________________________?They are near the river.急, 2的5次方×4的5次方= 3的m次方×81的2次方= 谭千秋的赞美 的语句 100-150字左右!在举一个生活中的好人好事的例子也是100-150字左右! There are no ugly women; there are only women who not know how to look pretty. There are no ugly women; there are only women who not know how to look prett 调查一个鱼塘的鱼的数量和种类 是普查还是抽样调查 It makes me __to know my friends are out there sharing time with people to whom it may really__.1,A.breave B,great C,clam D,necessary2,Arespond B,happen C,change D,matter 湖北省宜昌那里鱼塘水质测试并一体化可以配制鱼药的仪器呀!湖北省宜昌有那家公司有水质测试仪器!但那仪器要可以配制鱼药的哟! 生命像什么?(仿写)生命像奔流不息的一春江水,最终东流入海;生命像顽强生长的一棵小树,长大后落叶归根 英语翻译Although most fruits are sweet,they tend to be relatively low in calories.Better still,they are a good source of fiber and are packed with nutrients - especially Vitamin C.On reason that the much-talked about "Mediterranean diet" is consi 被除数+商X除数=560(余数为0)请问被除数是几 除数是8,商是X,余数是3,被除数是() Ⅰx-1Ⅰ+Ⅰx+1Ⅰ=4 解方程, the ,children ,the ,and ,near ,their ,now ,teachers ,are ,hill ( .) (连词the ,children ,the ,and ,near ,their ,now ,teachers ,are ,hill ( .)(连词成句) 关于英语辩论女性比男性强的问题?用英语来说一下观点 同意的理由用英语来说 越多越好 Ⅰx-1Ⅰ+Ⅰx+1Ⅰ=4 解方程,如何看 -1 theitr the hill teachers and now are the children near.连词成句 the children,the,and,near,their,now,teacher,are,hill ( .) 连词成句 连词成句:1.want,what,be,you,do,to 2.the,children,the,and,near,their,now,teachers,are,hill 改为否连词成句:1.want,what,be,you,do,to2.the,children,the,and,near,their,now,teachers,are,hill改为否定句:I can ride my bike. the ,children ,the ,and ,near ,their ,now ,teachers ,are ,hillthe ,children ,the ,and ,near ,their ,now ,teachers ,are ,hill ( .)(连词成句)要正确的呀!::>_ 如果被除数+除数*商=72,余数为0,那么被除数等于几 描写语文手抄报的该怎么画 小学语文手抄报画的背景 Because I can't believe that I can only wear a small sweater. 不要复制冠词,介词,名词所有格,为啥the,on,is有时候放前面,有时候放后面,助动词是啥 It seems that only I care about it, why?是什么意思 谁能帮翻译一下这段文字,翻成英语,简单些...越简单越好,大意对即可,注意不要出现语法错误!如下:蛇杖很久以来就是医药和医药职业的象征,源于美丽的传说. 在后荷马时代,至于疾病的 太阳落山,月亮升起 打一字 [悬赏分50分]求写李叔同的文章随便什么文章,只要关于它的、带有文学色彩的抑或是引用他作为材料的文章.越多越好. 求高三语文作文论据,最好是时事类或是不大常见的名人故事(想弘一法师之类的)...谢谢 修一段公路甲队3天修了全长的1/4,乙队4天修了全长的1/5.如果两队合作,同时开工,几天能修完这条公路?