
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:51:02
一梯形的中位线将梯形分成面积为1:2的两部分,那么上底a、中位线b、下底c的比值是? 令人感到温暖的动作有哪些 For years Jones kept--up with new and good ideas.A.to come B.to have come C.coming D.having come为什么选C啊!怎么翻译 Scientists have done a lot of r_ on dinosaurs sinse long ago.It'll be a very long p_ for the victims in Sichuan to rebuild their homes. The scientists believe ( )they have devoten themselves to ( )sure to come true.a.that all ,are b.what,is 请详解 教师节作文题目 you ve got a什么cold什么 You've got a bad cold.You'd better study还是stay at home. It was not until recently ___ any idea about that.A.that did I haveB.when I haveC.did I haveD.that I had为什么?其他几个为什么不可以? --Would you mind my opening the window?--______ I've got a bad cold. 有关正方形如图所示,在正方形ABCD中,F,E分别是BC和DC 上的点,且∠EAF=45°,若AB=10,EF=8,试求△AEF的面积.由于等级低,所以不能上照片,请大家打开我的空间相册看, 关于正方形的初二数学题如图,在一个边长大于11的正方形内部放入面积都为49的甲、乙、丙三块小正方形纸片,这三块正方形纸片最多遮盖住大正方形中的面积为91,求这个正方形的面积. 如图所示,正方形ABCD的边长为4,MN‖BC分别交AB,CD于点M,N,在MN上任取点P,Q,那么途中阴影部分的面积是____. 马上要我演讲了,十万火急,速求一道初二数学演讲正方形证明题,一定不要太难,稍微有些难度就行了,最好要有辅助线的,要说明原因,回答出回来的我在加分!一定不要有根号 he has to stay at home.___he has a bad cold.a.this is because b.that's whyc.so is it d.the reason is catch a cold的意思 青铜葵花读后感 I catch a cold 关于教师节作文题目别太幼稚 有关孝心的诗句 语文关于孝敬的古诗 青铜葵花 的读后感不要多 200字就够了 急 英语的宾语从句16.We think that it’s important for us to learn English well.We think _________ _________ _________ __________ English well.17.I don’t know why they are standing there.I don’t know _________ they are standing there ________ 关于英语的宾语从句!把下列句子改为宾语从句!.will you go to the cinema this evening?I wonger_________________________________________________2."I have visited Beijing three times,"he said to Rain.____________________________________ 大方的近义词,请问是什么? 乐观豁达的近义词 大方 近义词 孝道的诗句如:树欲静而风不止,子欲孝而亲不在. 谁有关于孝道的古诗句?今晚9点之前回答 求四年级400字以下将心比心作文,_百度知道 四年级作文150字 - 百度 I feel so much happyness and sadness .这句话feel的宾语是什么?