
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:12:57
“认读国家名称”用英语怎么说啊 She sings and dances after class.对划线部分提问 划线after class 英语翻译In order to cram all that stuff,pretty efficiently,I might add,into a small room,the management had to have the parts of the bathroom specially manufactured.这个句子的前一句说的是酒店的房间很小. 请翻译:The nail that sticks out is hammered down. 弟弟想去新东方学一对一,效果好不好? 美法英成立时间,事件 法英混血好看吗? 忙着活?或忙着死? (Three)(sixths)(of the books)(is)here.改正括号里的错误 请问创建文明班级的英语怎么说? 英语翻译Eindhoven University of TechnologyAttn.S.J.van den NieuwenhofSTU / International OfficeMetaforum MF 1.214Den Dolech 25612 AZ EINDHOVENThe Netherlands 生活为何让人生不如死、? She is a student at(还是in) Sushine Secondary school He studies at(还是in)Sushine Secondary school我不太清楚介词用什么 谁能清楚些的告诉我 入党推优答辩会总结什么写 入党个人总结范文 入党自我总结字数在三百四百字左右.新人,多多指教. All the books are not interesting.这句话可以改成Not the books are all interesting. she usually dances for two hours对画线提问 kitty always dances for two hours.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) I would like to _____your pen pal.Ais B am C are Dbe 写有关地震的作文2000字要写地震的起因,地震前的情况. 写2000字 作文童年 《过故人庄》整首诗的意思 过故人庄是一首什么诗? My grandmother is a____ .She is always busy and able to do a lot of things. Can you _____(形容) your pen pal to me?There are many l_____ in out city,and we can read there. How did you sleep?怎么翻译 什么样的物体将主宰我们离开以后的地球? I want to be your pen pul的中文意思 how do you sleep怎么翻译 One of them two 什么English booksplease! 现在过去时什么时候用 HAVE BEEN TO/和HAVE BEEN IN?重点在于这两个介词里!如何分辨!do you know where TOM is?he must have been in SHANHAI.------------------------------------------------他去伦敦了he has gone to LONDON.他去