
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:36:11
跪求Eugene A.Nida(尤金 奈达)的简介给您磕头了 有没有关于Eugene A.Nida(尤金 奈达)的介绍啊中英文皆可 刚注册的就25个积分只能给整数 要是有1W分我也会给的 怎样区别兔子得雌性与雄性? They don't be afraid any more这句错在哪 有首歌中有kisss me,kake me ,they say:be afraid ,是哪首歌 第一句是you are so 什么的 look forward是什么意思? 商品发布数量是什么? 发布产品信息数量多少合适? persons是什么意思一 banana persons是什么意思 toy play with a toy 对不起我星期三不能完成英语sorry I can not () it on () 我很抱歉的对你说我不能帮你.1:i am sorry to tell u that I can't help u.2:i regret to tell u that i can't help u.这两个句子哪个对?(跪谢.) 小区通知怎样写 通知怎么写? 用simulink里的带通滤波器仿真出现的问题,总提示如下错误,可是不知道错误改怎么改,错误的提示:The sample time of the input signal and the sample time specified in the dialog box must be the same,The sample time of th 英语翻译今年的暑假我将要和父母一起去杭州,我们要在那里度过一段有趣的日子.我的姨妈住在那里,她说将带我去动物园,那听起来很棒,我将看到很多可爱又聪明的动物.我妈妈还会带我去北 I will go to china in kyoju 英语根据首字母提示完成句子:I'll go to China t___ month. 通知的格式怎么写? 写一份通知格式怎么写? 通知格式怎么写?///////?///////////// Be quiet, Grandpa is ___. A.sleep B.asleep C.sleepy DATAMAX 怎么读 英语翻译"That is not true.All images are reviewed regardless of how many have already been rejected." Also,if there was no reason,it WOULD have been accepted if you'd had at least 7 that did make it.Another quote from Admin:[Referring to a specif 英语翻译hazardous waste is waste that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the enviroment.there are four factors that determine whether or not a substance is hazardous:Ignitability(i.e.,flammable)corrosivityreactivityt 分子是x+a分母是2+e^(1/x)的式子极限是1\4求a 乌兰察布适合种植板蓝根吗?乌兰察布属于干旱气候,年降水量很少,并且冬天很冷夏天凉爽,土壤属于半沙土 无助的名词用英文怎么说同上 急!“无助地”英文这么说? "现在我很无助" 英语 for several days改成since