
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:00:49
渤海、黄海为什么会有分界线? 黄海和渤海分界线怎么去 戴了助听器之后听力会不会越来越差? 援助的反义词是? My mother's job is (difficult).(对括号部分提问) —— —— —— mother's job? 雅致的近义词,笨重的反义词~~~!急呀~~~~~~~~!知道的快~~~~~!非常急~~~~~! 风采的近义词,淡雅的反义词 燮 怎么读? what can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? “My sister is a waiter in that restautant.”的同义句. He said ,"My father was here two days ago" 怎么变为间接引语 My son said ," I'm here."(改为间接引语) My son said ______ ______ ______ ______. My sister is a My sister is a nurse.这个句子表语是哪个 a 还是a nurse 还是 nurse? Not only __ polluted but __ crowded.A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;were the streetsC.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;the streets were 为什么不是d或其他选项? 77.Not only__polluted but _crowded.A.was the city;were the streetsB.the city was;the streets wereC.was the city;the streets wereD.the city was;the streets were【为什么不选D?】除了not only外还有什么是要用倒装的? 艰难的国运与雄健的国民中概括的最后一段的主要内容 艰难的国运与雄健的国民表达了什么主题 关于天气的英语谜语What can hear without ears and answer without a mouth?(什么东西没有耳朵却能听,没 有关我的储蓄罐的作文有什么啊人生其实需要不断地储蓄.储蓄金钱,储蓄学问,储蓄感情……储蓄人生,就要储蓄人生中那些最宝贵的东西. "燮"这个字怎么念? 燮 这个字念社什么 what 's the answer to the problem?怎么译 今天考试,我的作文是以储蓄为题的作文,我定的题目是储蓄坏习惯,主要内容是我把以前的坏习惯都储蓄起来,从而更好.这样的作文能靠多少分呀!(满分50分) 用一句话概括《坚难的国运与雄健的国民》一文的主要内容 谁有 misty mystery 的中文谐音? be going to造句只要2个就好 爱国储蓄作文300—500字谢谢了,关于爱国储蓄的作文 To save money is to lay ___.A.out B.about C.down D.aside存钱是C还是D How could we deal with this problem?改成同义 ____ could we ____ with this problem? 以储蓄什么什么为题的作文,需要范文 作文 储蓄心灵的声音 怎么理解标题不要范文.觉得不能够理解这个标题.是把声音储蓄到心灵还是把心灵的声音储蓄起来