
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:33:15
高一物理7-8两小题……给好评…… 求7.8两小题, 老山界是一座难翻的山,红军是如何对待这些困难的 wei shenm wo de dian nao bu neng da zi le ,zai xian deng 三角形的什么分别相等,那么这两个多边形全等? You mustn't _____ ______吸烟 You and me are not in love the way supposed to be.求翻译 you and me .are not in love .the way we're supposed to be .要正式的,整句翻译下来.半懂得别瞎回答 请用所给词的适当形式填空.( )down to Huaxing and see for yourself.(come)按要求改写句子.The price of this shirt is $80.(改为同义句) you ought not to speak your parents like this.为什么不用talk 目前世界最有名气的数学家是谁? 小弟问个英语问题哈TOM said he met the girl.这句子met在said前发生,那怎么不用had 小弟问一下一个英语问题Eating fruit and vegetable is food for our healthMeat,fish,eggs and milk is very important to us这几个句子为什么不用BE动词are,却用is而Meat,fish,eggs and milk are all very important to us.这个句子却 There ________ green grass and many trees.A.are B.a C.is 请问《中国实施 B-C电子商务的问题与对策》这个题目如何用英文来表达?在下的英文不好,请各位大侠,倾囊相助,高抬贵手,小弟在此谢过 小弟请教前辈一个英语问题London and other major cities no longer have the dense smoke led in smog of the 1950s这里面有个"smoke led in smog",小弟请教各位'这里面的"led "过去分词做后置定于后面的"in"表示 为什么s(0)=1? 打错了,C的是0.11%,S是0.036%,请问这是怎么回事? 求初一2元一次方程组应用题10道带答案 美国狂野角斗士比赛是怎么回事?是真打?还是经过排练表演的? (主语)(主语忘了是什么了.貌似是名词) looks very _____(good.)用good适当形式填空,初一期末题,我知道他很简单.但同学说的答案不一有说nice有说well但我觉得是good,到底是什么啊, 全等图形的面积一定相等吗 豫字怎么读 just like the world is not fair, stick to it, advance to your dream with endeavor这句话是什么意思?特别是前面一段. 鄂 怎么读,几声? is your parenta planting rice?改错:Is your parents planting rice?——-连词成句:1、teachers‘day september tenth on is (.)2、february month the is second (.) 豫读什么音 1.How stable is your life over the past relationship?英译汉, 过点P(-1,0)Q(0,2)分别作两条互相平行的直线,使他们在x轴上截距之差的绝对值为1求这两条直线的方程 过点P(-1,0),Q(0,2)分别作两条互相平行的直线,使它们在x轴上截距之差的绝对值为1,求这两条直线的方程 鄂,这个字的拼音 求过点M(-4,2)且在X轴上的截距的绝对值为4的直线方程