
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:58:42
把cala翻译过来是什么 什么水果英文以cala开头? “衤属”这个字怎么输入三国魏时张揖撰《广雅》曰:“衤属,长襦也.”不过在《释名》里“衤属,属也.衣裳上下相连属也.”有不同的解释.------------------其中这个“衤属”字怎么输入? 各具千秋的近义词 Just then,the door openned and Mr Geen walked in.同义句.___ ___ ____ ,the door openned and Mr Geen walked in, He stood up and walked t_____ the door during the break. he picked up a stone and th( )it at the door 坍塌的近义词 坍塌的近义词是什么 Christy is my new pen pal,she is 12 years old.She lives in America I always write E-malis to her aChristy is my new pen pal,she is 12 years old.She lives in America I always write E-malis to her and so does she.Christy likes collecting stamps,so some should be delivered as "Gold" and ready for manufacture unless agreed otherwise with Items should be delivered as "Gold" and ready for manufacture unless agreed otherwise with the Account Manager 千秋常在的近义词 英语翻译 千秋共仰的近义词 急,十万火急 关于继母的美文:It is most certainly an enormous "step",but one doesn't often feel as i...关于继母的美文:It is most certainly an enormous "step",but one doesn't often feel as if the term "parent" truly applies.这句话如何翻译? 英语翻译第15届亚运会将于2006年12月1日至15日在卡塔尔首都多哈举行,将有来自45个国家和地区的1.1万名运动员参加本届比赛423个小项的争夺,这将是历史上参赛人数最多的一届亚运会.多哈于200 Understand that l give If you cut personnel,they can not give that individual attention. If you cut personnel,they can not give that individual attention. 现代文译文言文我好久没写点东西了,现在想写关于你在我记忆里的一点一滴,可是我却无从下笔.就那样傻傻的沉浸在我们的旧时光里! 文言文译现代文你为什么迟到 螃蟹,数字6,十字路口 猜一成语是数字8 modern的比较级是什么 一只螃蟹竖起来猜一成语 一只螃蟹十条腿 猜一成语 be ill in 怎么用? be sike in bed的意思? 三个代表是中国共产党的立党之本,执政之基,力量之源 怎么翻译成英语 为什么说三个代表重要思想是中国共产党的立党之本,执政之基,力量之源 三个代表是中国共产党_________的集中表现,是我们党的__________ perfect有比较级吗 Perfect的最高级是什么