
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:49:46
Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!是什么意思? Sometimes you may envy others when they a better job than you.Ii is not___1__.if you think about 十个单词 heart why maybe time fail strange life nothing dangerous improveSometimes you may envy others when they a better job than you。Ii is not___ and怎么换一个字母才会变另一个单词改动一个字母使变为另一个单词 把单词中的一个字母改一下换成另一个单词HAT,TREE,AT,AND,UP.; 打一谜语:你和狗熊站一块(打一动物) 求描写人难看的词或句子描写人难看点的 大概是描写这人未老先衰那样的 总体来说就是长得稍微违章未老先衰 大概十七 八岁 看起来却像三十多那种感觉 在北京培育出的优质甘蓝品种,叶球最大的只有3.5千克,当引种到拉萨后,由于昼夜温差大,日照时间长,叶球可重达7千克左右,但再引种回北京后,叶球又只有3.5千克,从这一过程可以看出:A、 甘 结球甘蓝(圆白菜)的叶球大小是一种性状,同一品种的结球甘蓝在北京栽培,长成的叶球约1~3kg引到西藏后达6.5kg.这是为什么? 在北京,优良品种甘蓝的叶球质量为3千克,引种到西藏拉萨后,叶球质量可达7千克,叶球增重的主要原因是?1,改变环境后甘蓝基因突变;2,拉萨空气清洁适宜形成大叶球;3,高原日照强而长;4,高 英语翻译云水萦回溪上路.叠叠青山,环绕溪东注.月白沙汀翘宿鹭.更无一点尘来处.溪叟相看私自语.底事区区,苦要为官去.尊酒不空田百亩.归来分得闲中趣. Are you going to be a doctor?咋改 --Nooks on medicine again!Are you going to be a doctor?--No,I hope to be ,( )A.althoughB.thoughC.howeverD.yet为什么不是A呀? Are you going to see the doctor tomorrow?的否定回答 英语翻译翻译翻译啊 不要赏析啊 明朝都有那些名人 初二英语题!急Betty,_____(take)a walk with meSomeone got hit on the head(改为一般疑问句) 几道初二英语题,急智力测试.1.What always goes up and never goes down?2.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun?3.What is the smallest bridge in the world?4.What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?(我的想 Chengdu is famous ____ FuNan River.A.for B.on C.to D.of天赐:His writing were successful,and he became rich and f____ in his twenties. 初二英语题 急!谢谢!1 He has not yet returned. 2 He will return in ten minutes.3 When the concert ended,we went home.拿be back替代1、2句中的return;拿be over替代3句中的ended 桐花万里丹山路,雏凤清于老凤声是谁的诗句啊 哪位其他能提供关于梧桐花的古诗句啊 When the children groe up,the parents grow old等到孩子们都长大时,父母们都老了为什么最后“父母们都老了”要用grow? 梧桐花有什么作用 桐花台上桐花开桐花台上走将来 who was thrown across the room 有 throw across 这个词组? 学蒙古语好还是藏语好? She has ten cousins.对ten进行提问 ____________these cakes.There are ten.在横线中填空横线中填东西第一小题和第二小题我不会,请指教 用词造句用:乐开怀 分享 郊外 欢声笑语 充满 情趣 三星智力快车 有机化学题急需有机化学题目及解答~~~谢谢啦~~~! 像三星智力快车那样的动手鉴别题哪里有像三星智力快车中的鉴别题,比如用有限的东西鉴别假葡萄酒? 三星智力快车有一题说:世界上最大的海洋动物是乌贼,蓝鲸是最大的吗? “人面与桃花,情缘扑朔迷离”什么意思?