
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 08:47:09
七年级下册语文苏教版课后题第一课二三题答案拜托~Orz~现在就要.速度快点啊啊啊.最好简单点的。。越简单越好。。TAT。。还有谁能给我《一面》的作者资料和写作背景。。有关预习的神马 完形填空 现在就要We 1 do exercise every day!In the moring we go out to do some exercise 2 ˉˉ ˉˉbreakfast.And then come 3 home to get ready to go to work!And the whole dayˉˉ we 4 full of energy.So we like 5 exercise!But these days it is 完形填空, 做完形填空.快 硅在不锈钢中的作用如题.谢谢 七年级上册历史伴你学答案 全部,要尽快,最好六点十分之前, 只要27-36页 苏教版七年级上册历史期中试卷 这个英语完型填空谁能帮我做一下啊? In prison,holidays are the worst.Birthdays,anniversaries,Thanksgiving,Christmas,even Valentine's Day can be 36 .It's difficult,and painful to be away from those we love-to be 37 of the celebrations and the memory making.Often we feel a little 38 or i 英语翻译It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s,came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.The nurse had him take a seat in the waiting area,tellin 英语完形填空(好评哦) 英语完形填空的题目 看看哦A child growing up in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's work:helping ro dig or build,look after animals or babies---rather than______playing with water and sand in kindergarten, ke 英语完型填空_要有耐心哦Dear Tommy,Thanks ______you e-mails.i know something_______your family.in this letter,I will ______you something about my family.look at the picture ,this is my father.He is ______art teacher.He often goes _______at 点击七年级第一学期白杨潮和湖心亭看雪的练习答案每一题都要哦 《湖心亭看雪》答案崇祯五年⑵十二月,余住西湖.大雪三日,湖中人鸟声俱绝.是日更(gēng)定⑶矣,余挐(ráo)⑷一小舟,拥毳(cuì)衣炉火⑸,独往湖心亭看雪.雾凇(sōng)沆砀(hàngdàng)⑹,天与云 湖心亭看雪 短文中“独往湖心亭看雪”中的“独”字,可像是一个人前往,但后面作者却写“舟中人两三粒”,结尾又写道“舟子”,这是否有矛盾? 湖心亭看雪的答案大雪三日,湖中人鸟声俱绝.一句写出了什么意境?此句在全文结构上有可作用?独往湖心亭看一句中 独字有什么表达作用?天与云与山与水连用三个与字写出了什么景象? 英语完形填空题(好评哦) 几道英语完形1.Managers in factories are not satisfied with___ so they are attracted to this idea .A.falling their standard of living B.their standard of living falling 选哪个?为什么不选另外一个?有什么区别呢?2.Around us is ___. 帮忙做几道英语完形The Depression(经济萧条)didn’t make much change in my grandparents’ lives.But it did bring an unending flow of men out of ( 1 ) ,drifting (being carried) from job to job to the farm.The ( 2 ) to show up at the door 几道英语完形填空, 几道英语完形填空,1 He was briefly_______Lisa Marrie Presley ,the daughter of musician Elvis Presley.A married B married to C married with Dmarrying2 He returned to the United States with the aim of planning_________ was to be a victorious com 七年级下册伴你学数学 答案 七年级下册伴你学数学第3、4页答案 鲁教版数学七年级下册伴你学四边形的性质答案如题 完形填空.拜托帮忙一下啦.我会很努力采纳的哦哦There is an apple tree behind Brian's house .Now Brian is standing near the tree.There are many(1)on the tree.Brian is(2)the apples.They are(3)and red.Brian is hun- 一个棱长15cm的正方形装满水倒入一个长20cm宽15cm高12cm的水箱中这是水箱深多少厘米 我是做家教的,整五见了小孩子的答案,2011年版的,唔该哪位同学可以帮我找下,无限感激.还有,好急的. 初三英语完形填空.people living in different countries speak different kinds of languages.today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.each [1] many thousands of word.a very lagre dictionary,for example,contains four or five hu 数学应用题 反比例函数一道题很费解反比例函数y=-6\x与直线y=-x+2的图像相交于A,B两点,点A,B分别在第二,四象限,求(1)A,B两点的坐标(2)三角形ABO的面积谁有计算过程呀?现在自己想出来了