
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:54:14
描写爸爸神态段落100字的 Have you found the best way to work out the problem同义句Have you found the best way_ _ _the problem although he tired his best,he failed to work out the problem. Alth……he ___ ___ to …… can i come in对吗英语中CAN I COME IN?这种说法对吗?那如果是考试,老师会不会算对?我知道MAY I COME IN Can I come in?改为肯定句 有4个直径是6厘米的饮料罐.如果用带子把它们捆起来,问:捆一圈(如图片)需要多长的带子?(接头处忽略不计)求解答, Do you know the man____ a blue uniform ____the second photo A.wear,in B.wearing ,in为什么? 巴西人口主要集中于东南部的区位条件及首都迁至巴西利亚的原因 She has ____friends in London,but she is ____unhappy because ____good.A、few,little,fewB、a few,a little,fewC、a few,little,a littleD、a little,little,little 造句:1)be filled with 2)be crowded with 3)take part in 4)laugh 巴西的城市主要分布在巴西利亚,原因是什么,急 英语翻译随着时代的进步和科技的发展,电机调速系统在工农业生产、交通运输以及日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,生产工艺、产品质量的要求不断提高和产量的增长,使得越来越多的生产 人们都说:昙花一现,不过还有一种花,比昙花开的时间还要短,是什么花? 英语翻译 英语翻译一女性朋友最近让我帮忙翻译一篇英文论文,可最近在忙着复习考试,没办法想起了百度里的好心人,希望您能解我燃眉之急!这篇论文PDF格式大概有十页,我翻译了一页,再除掉最后两页 我想问下这题,访问周围的人,请他们讲讲近年来祖国或家乡发生的变化,还可以请他们谈谈感受.这题目是六年级上册詹天佑的综合性学习,我想采访我家长,能答的也答答吧!明天就要交了, 访问周边的人,请他们讲讲近年来祖国或家乡发生的变化,还可以请他们谈谈感受. 访问周围的人,请他们讲讲近年来祖国或家乡发生的变化,还可以请他们谈谈感受 访问周围的人,请问他们讲讲近年来祖国或家乡有什么变化,再请请他们的感受 请周围的人,讲讲近年来祖国或家乡发生的变化,及他们的感受 It's cold outside.more clothes,please.A.Wear B.Put on C.Dress D.Have onIt's cold outside.______ more clothes,please.A.Wear B.Put on C.Dress D.Have on我知道选B, 求英文论文翻译The goal of the enterprise network securitysystem is to protect NEs from user access in aLANWAN environment. The system isimplemented at the application layer and,therefore, is not impacted and constrained bythe underlying hardwa 请推荐一首著名英文诗泰戈尔or普希金or雪莱一定要够出名 英文原版 有名的诗句比如像“不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层.”,“东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴.”这样的.总之一切考济南市外国语初中可能考到的. 求几首著名的英文诗要标明作者或出处,还要有题目,不要太长,也不要太短,最好是像莎士比亚,雪莱这种人写的.至少5首 I want to have a car of my o____. If you don/t study hard,you will fall behind others同义句转换 If you study a little harder you will soon catch up with othersIt is a( )she can not swimA smile ( )on his faceI will do something for you in ( )for your help I want to have a toy car as my birthday present.换一种说法,意思不变这是小学6年级上学期的一道英语试题.属于句型转换 英语翻译Property prices are a reflection of overall liquidity in the system. 英语翻译Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice a 昙花一现,但是昙花会记得!帮我译成英文