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高中英语单选几道.1.________A_ many times,but he still couldn’t understand it.A.He was told B.Though he had been told C.Having been told D.Being toldWith the development of Internet,_____A___ communication is done by regular mail.A.less B.mo 谁给我几道超难的高中英语单选?最好有解析 1.With the oil in the car_____,they had no chance of driving fordwards.A.running out of B.running out C.ran out of D.ran out2._____straight on and you'll see a church.You won't miss it.A.Go B.Going C.If you go D.When going3._____is known to ererybody 几道高中英语单选,p191.I _____go there alone,but he ____go there by himselfa.dare,doesn't dare b.dare to,dares not c.dare,dare not d.dare to,doesn;t dare2.I have fallen behind in my study,so i have got to_____a.make an effort b,make efforts c. 下列说法中正确的有①三角形的三个内角至少有两个角是锐角②三角形的三个内角中至下列说法中正确的有①三角形的三个内角至少有两个角是锐角②三角形的三个内角中至少有一个角不小 命题“三角形三个内角中至少有两个锐角”是对的还是错的?看到某人说是错的,究竟怎么回事? 紧急……初三的……很简单的……化学题……啊如果把一条用导热性能良好的粗金属丝(如铜丝或铝丝)绕成的线圈罩在一支燃烧的蜡烛的火焰上,蜡烛的火焰很快就熄灭了.如果预先把金属 彩虹有7种什么颜色组成? 单选When Premiier Zhou Enlai was alive,he ------- work from morning until night every day,dealing with numerous affairs.A.would B.could C.must D.might要解析和原因, 锐角三角形的三个内角是角A、角B、角C,如果角α=角A+角B,角β=角B+角C,角γ=角C+角A,那么角α、角β、角γ这三个角中( )(A)没有锐角 (B)有1个锐角 (C)有2个锐角 (D)有3个锐角 在三角形ABC中、内角A 、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c,角A为锐角,且满足且满足3b=5asinB (1) 求Sin2A+cos方(B+C)/2的值 锐角三角形ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,a=2bsinA.(1)求角B的大小;(2)若a=3√3,c=5,求b.求过程,谢谢! 设△ABC是锐角三角形a.b.c分别是内角A.B.C所对边长,并且sin^A=sin(π/3+B)sin(π/3-B)+sin^B.1.求角A的2.若向量AB*向量AC=12,a=2√7,求b,c(其中b<c) 初三的化学 很简单的两个题目 我直接上图 晚上回来看答案.第一题:http://hiphotos.baidu.com/cyf4565456/pic/item/3d32da600a2d3ff18db10dd3.jpg第二题:图太大 上传了就模糊了 所以分了两部分 抱歉第一部分 I tried to call jack ,but the voice ___answered the phone was not his.A.whose B.that C.who D.whom求句子类型,做什么成分, (求救)高中英语单选1,Each number in the series 2-4-8-16 is twice as large as the ( ) number. A previous D front 我选D但答案是A,2,really?A MP3 player for $10 is real a bargain .Is it real ( )?A yet Bstill C though 用反证法证明:“三角形中至少有两个角是锐角”第一步假设是什么? 用反证法证明:三角形中至少有两个角是锐角. 用反证法证明“一个三角形中至少有两个锐角”时可以说 “一个三角形中至多有一个锐角”吗 16.用反证法证明“三角形三个内角中至少有两个锐角”时应首先假设_________________. 英语翻译古语有云,一年之计在于春,意味着凡事要早做打算,开头就要抓紧.要在一年开始时多做并做好工作,为全年的工作打好基础.此外,还可以比喻为"青春",青春也是人一生中的春天,青春的 英语翻译摘要20世纪90年代以来,尤其是入世后在对外开放的推动下,江苏零售业经过10多年的发展,取得了惊人的成绩.随着外资的大举进入,零售业发展表现为规模迅速提升、新旧业态并存发展 英语翻译Published:December 17,2005SHANGHAI,Dec.16 - Ten days ago,the sleepy fishing village of Dongzhou was the scene of a deadly face-off,with protesters hurling homemade bombs and the police gunning them down in the streets.Skip to next paragra 8-12英语单选. (你最希望我对你说哪个?)麻烦翻译成英文, 英语翻译In the Caribbean,housingdevelopments continue to be sited in sensitive areas such as on steep hillslopes in the upper parts of water catchment areas,and too close to sensitive groundwater aquifers.Freshwater resources are thus being damag 英语翻译In the Caribbean,housing developments continue to be sited in sensitive areas such as on steep hillslopes in the upper parts of water catchment areas,and too close to sensitive groundwater aquifers.Freshwater resources are thus being dama 英语翻译你说是俄想的太简单了 .俄想 .是俄不让自己把你们想的太复杂 .因为俄害怕 .但是 .你不去爱别人 .也别无意间让别人爱上你 .翻译成英文要准确 .俄的神呃 ...每个人的答案都不一 ... 在钝角三角形中,钝角是较小锐角的三倍,求较小锐角X取值范围 1.在钝角三角形中,一个锐角是另一个锐角的5倍,求:较小锐角x的取值范围?2.如果1,2,...9,10这10个自然数中任一个都不在不等式组{x-a>0x-a 已知一个钝角三角形的一个锐角是另一个锐角的3倍,求较小锐角的取值范围.要过程,要说明为什么! 在钝角三角形中,钝角是另一个钝角的2倍,求其中较小的一个锐角的度数的取值范围.