
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:18:55
将Li Ling has a happy family.改为感叹句怎样改 惹麻烦的英语怎么写 ‘惹麻烦’英文怎么说 Cross-country Skiing是什么意思 Hear a kind of love,called to let go. Some one kind beautifully is called puts 我叫胡静倩,麻烦大家帮我想一个英文名吧想要和名字有谐音之类的,顺口一点~ far away from的英文是什么 while I wondered what kind of country was waiting for me___the Channel.A across B cross为什么填across介词 不可以是动词吗 National team 国家队(能用country team吗?) 梦靓(jing)的英文名该怎么取呢? 本人叫tang shen jing 希望大家帮我取个有jing读音的女生英文名 外加上读音和意思 two fathers and two sons went to a bookstore.theybought therr books.ebery has a book.why?急需! he has cleaned the classroom 对 cleaned the classroom提问 If you finish these tasks ,you can go to a movie tonight.____ these tasks,_____ you can go to a movie Can you finish plant these trees in two hours?改错 I need two m____hours to finish mu homework. 此句中that的用法.Of course, for students wo do need more hours for study, perphas a room with 24-hour electricity supply can be set aside in every dorm building to meet that certian need.句子中that做的是什么句子成分,还有后面 英文名,以He开头,什么好呢?我原名叫hedy海蒂,想要一个长一点的英文名, 求男生英文名 H开头,最好是He开头的,谢啦. 求女性英文名 A或He开头的 叫起来要响亮透彻的求大神帮助 我叫 huang he cheng 请帮忙取一个英文名字吧 he开头的我们公司大多数人都有英文名字 我也想弄一个 但是又不想弄的太俗太普通 我的要求是 he开头 后面字母越短越好,4个以内为宜.像henry之类 怎么翻译“央行基层机构”? 央行由几家央行组成.用英语怎么翻译(初中水平),单词越简单越好!急 英语翻译美国老师看的懂的 大学如何学习英语我想问一下,大学英语的重要性,还有将来就业时候英语的重要性,英语要学到什么程度,才能让自己有优势.将来英语那个方面更重要. 进大学前的那个暑假想学英语,应该报哪种呢?应该报那种英语班比较适合? took pride 英语:对打括号部分提问We maybe make our friends and family (unhappy).____ ____you maybe make your friends and family? 英语问题 对打括号部分提问对打括号部分提问 1. I’m in Class (3 ). --------class ---------you in ? 2.I have (a dog) . -------- ------- you have ?3. She is (funny) . -------- 初中英语——对打括号部分提问(急需!)对打括号部分提问1、Tom was (in the room.)2、I was (a teather)at that time.3、They were (students.)4、Mt mother was in Beijing (last month.)5、I was (in the kitchen) just now.6、(The t 英语宾语从句,要求that 2句,if、whether各一句,特殊疑问词两句