
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:50:53
突然 用英语怎么说? 突然地用英语怎么说要音标(只要一个准确答案) be late for school是什么意思 be late for school等于go late to school吗? I ___________________,because I don’t want to be late for school.A.am used to getting up early B.used to get up earlyC.am used to get up early D.used to getting up early get to class late 和be late for school有没有区别?如果有的话 区别在哪里?如果没有的话 是不是两个可以任意交换使用? Don't be late for scholl 改同义句Don't be late()()to school 1545*(1+@)的负5次方=1000,求@为?%,这是持有至到期投资的一次还本付息的债券的一道试题,1545*(1+@)的负5次方=1000,求@为多少,请多多指教, 1545*(1+r)的负5次方=1000 求r.已经知道r=0.0905了.要求计算过程.如有CPA会计课程考过的高人,请不吝赐教. 1545*[(1+r)-5次方]=1000,r怎么算阿?求高手解答,真是一个个代入估算的吗? 求一编关于朋友的短文(英语更佳) 帮忙编个英语小短文~4分钟左右帮忙写个能读4到5分钟左右的小英语短文,要求是写中国教育制度的好处,注意只写好处哦!只要好处,不要写坏处,用英语多写几点~我现在分不多,等我分多了,我会 请给我一个英语小短文一定是你自己本人编的急要90秒读完的急!谢谢了 帮我给这个英语短文编五六个问题,Weather Predict A film crew was on location deep in the desert.One day an old Indian went up to the director and said,"Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained.A week later,the Indian went up to the directo woke late into the night为什么用into 英语翻译Enjoy real American jazz Herbie Davis,the famous trumpet player.He is known to play well into the early hours,so don't want to get much sleep.第二句话怎么翻译.其中into the early hours from spring through late fall,a well-planned and well-plannedfrom spring through late fall,a wel-planned land well-kept garden can provide a(an)___of fresh vegetables,which helps to increase the nutrition of family dietA.suppply B.production C.result Never work late into the night.把into换成in可以吗? The secretary worked late into the night,___a long speech for the president.A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing 关于离散数学集合的划分问题我觉得C和D都是对的,应该选择哪一个呢? 女朋友写给我的 英文麻烦翻下If I am gone,please do not cry nor die,for that my heart is alive in you.通顺些 英语翻译friend is a honour in my life and is far from world but it`s a old house we unforgettable,also it`s a greentea we want drink and we can`t resist to call.wish you happy everyday my frend 英语翻译这条路希望我们一直走下去 (40%+1/3)除以2/3乘以(1-75%)等于多少? 写给同学的英语感谢信40-55个单词,15分钟,越快越好! 高数,概率,线代,离散数学学完以后,数学最基本的还要怎么学? 简便计算.12除以3/10*百分之50,[百分之65+(百分之25+2/3)]*3/2 可能和离散数学有关吧,我概率什么的忘得差不多了.TOT假设对一个物品进行升级,初始是1级,从1级升到2级有60%的成功率,40%几率失败;从2级到3级有40%成功率,30%几率失败,30%几率失败降回1级;从 4又三分之一除以65%百分之65乘以4又三分之一乘以65% 得多少?要的就是速度和准确! 求一副扑克除去大小王任取13张牌不含对的概率... 几道离散数学题 变速自行车上坡时,前齿轮应用()轮,后齿轮应用()轮,