
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:49:18
As ________ announced in today's papers,the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on37.As ________ announced in today’s papers,theShanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.A) beingB) isC) to beD) been(B)为什么不能用 As ________ announced in today’s papers,the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair in also open on Sundays.A.being B.is C.to be D.been ( )is announced in today's papers,all the schools will reopen on September 1st.A that B it C as D what 选哪个?为什么那么选?其它选项为什么不行呢? 英语翻译这是上下文:Another consideration for moving to a more enterprise-scale design is aroundPersistence ignorance.Persistence ignorance is achieved in a design when thepersistence store can be changed without requiring changes to the co 简述《诗经》中民歌主要反映了古代哪些方面的现实生活? 论述题:从《诗经》看古代人民生活. rich women中文是什麼意思? I think i am kind of health 改错I think I am kind of health 改错 I think I am a kind of unhealithy这样的写法对吗 怎么链接I+am+thinking和I+am+kind+of+unhealthy在5:00之前 Homeless xiaopeng need rich women 啥意思 我的伯父鲁迅先生从他们把那个车夫扶上车子到扎好绷带中动词使你体会到了什么? 《我的伯父鲁迅先生》中②救护车夫 体现了鲁迅的什么? She was very busy.She r____ to speak at the meeting Love is happier to let other Love is not love,who lost memories in the past,the other side of the 厦门ABB低压事业部Sales engineer销售工程师待遇如何,面试流那些方面,对英语要求高吗?发展前景如何?我应聘的厦门Sales engineer,请厦门ABB里面的朋友给些指示,我学的是机械设计,英语口语还不错, The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of the Atlantic.句中the British know and love 是什么成分,是插入语还是从句? 谁来帮我翻译一下呀?谢谢了.HI, I AM IN JAPAN NOW. I CAN NOT WHRITE CHINESE.SORRY TO REPLY YOU SO LHI, I AM IN JAPAN NOW. I CAN NOT WHRITE CHINESE.SORRY TO REPLY YOU SO LATE DUE TO NO INTNET FOR ME TO USE. GLAD TO SEE YOUR MESSAGE. AND THAN 英语短文 Can China and Japan ever become friends?文章不用很长,拒绝复制粘贴. You should send another 1500 white max pulls (803381) to US by DHL at you cost chemistry意思 361°足球上的英文 DARE TO BE 足球宝贝用英语怎么讲? :The students don't dare enough to talk with foreigner and teacher. 英语的句子,请讲解.谢谢! 句子,"dare to be different, please don't smoke "pleads one billboard c英语的句子,请讲解.谢谢!句子,"dare to be different, please don't smoke "pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among 你不来我不敢老去译成英文,You don't come,I'm dare not to grow old.这句语法对吗?这句翻译本来是原版的,但是一个外国朋友告诉我这句语法不对.I'm dare not to grow old 应该是 I'm not daring to grow old 或者I d 家乐福店长面试是什么样呀?我是沈阳的,要参加店长面试做储备干部.想问家乐福的店长都是外国人吗?店长面试一般会问哪些问题?如果是外国人是全拿英语对话吗?我口语不太好,听不懂或者说 tell me baby,我要买百变鲨王,tell me help~ 请问沈阳家乐福超市店长秘书的工资大约有多少?保密的工资也大约有个等级吧,那是处于什么级别阿?处长,课长还是什么?谢谢大家了 I tell Jim help me 这句话是对的吗 Help help help Can you help me____(找到我的自行车吗)?