
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:18:50
I hear from my penfriend once a month.用简单的英语解释下列句子 Always remember,it's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly.求翻译 求解一句英语的意思:maybe you once in my shoes .thank you more 她想对我说什么呢?不懂女生的意思,求详解. Discuss the main differences between a global and a multinational company.Which is better and does it matter how we define the companies' approach to internationalisation?最好再举例说明两种公司哪个好, for.arrive.not.late.class.do Multidomestic maket orientation和a multinational company这两个是同一个意思么?multidomestic和multinational是啥意思?那如果加上一个,a global company,这三个又是怎样关系,怎么区分呢?multidomestic company和a multi globe-spanning company是跨国公司的意思吗? 关于what和how引导的感叹句总是记不住,该怎么记不会忘? advertising和advertisement有没有什么区别 advertising和advertisement区别? 请问 :advertising 与advertisement 有何区别?请问 :它们都为名词的时候,有何区别?现代英汉词典 上 p10 advertising 为名词,广告。advertising agency 广告公司。advertisement n.广告;登广告。它们均可 advertising 与 advertisement 的区别是什么 advertising和advertisement的区别是什么? on the market 和in the market 有何区别?是否有at the market? Global English Center and the International House. 简介美与丑究竟有哪些区别? 大哥大姐帮我写段带Advertisement的短文和这个有关的AdvertisementWrite about advertisement in about 120 words.Try to cover the following points.1、 Advertisement is everywhere.2、 Advertisement brings advantages as well as disadvanta 哪位大哥帮我写一段带Advertisement的短文我的英文不好,紧急,否则过不了关阿 The main thing is to know这一句的用法总结 “That's the main thing.——“Did you have a good time?”——“Well,it was interesting—that's the main thing.” 以“心口如一”为头成语接龙,接12个成语以“得意忘形”为尾,急求应怎样成语接龙? 关于i believe i can fly的介绍 A:I haven’t eaten all day.B:You _______ be very hungry.A must B should C have to 请帮忙计算铁管直径16mm,壁厚0.6mm,长800mm 的重量? this is a p--------of my family. there are many kinds of sea a____ in the deep sea是不是altitude? She_____(have) a new sweater. 亚磷酸三苯酯 急!求助,亚磷酸三苯酯的检测方法,测试仪器:气相色谱仪(GC) he is very poor ,he do not have_____money.A many B much C little选什么! 中医----体内有毒有哪些表现?如何治疗?体内有毒与体内有炎症的区别? 某人体内有较重的炎症.因此引起的生理变化是,某人体内有较重的炎症.因此引起的生理变化是( )1.血液中白细胞含量升高 2.病人的消化能力增强 3.病人的体温增高 4.病人的心率有所增强 5.病